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Batman had been staking out Ivy's greenhouse for the past week. There had been no activity from her in that time, but Bruce knew better than to snoop around her precious babies. He knew that she'd find out (probably through the plants) and be pissed.

So he kept his distance from the sacred building and just kept a watchful eye. Batman was certain that she'd have to be back relatively soon to check up on her plants.

The time since Maddie's disappearance had been rough for everyone. Bruce reported her missing to the GCPD, but did not voice his hunch about Catwoman's involvement to them (seeing as it would expose their relationship) or to Andy and Tommy when they returned to the mansion with news from Frosty. They were only able to tell him what he already knew: neither Joker or Riddler were responsible this time.

Bruce was still disturbed by the fact that Riddler knew of his sexual history with both Selina Kyle and Talia Al-Ghul. His riddle revealed that he knew of Bruce Wayne's past with Selina, and he later implied that he knew of Batman's connection to Talia, but what he did not say concerned Bruce far more. Does Riddler know that Bruce Wayne is Batman? Or just that both Bruce Wayne and Batman have sexual history with Selina and Talia?

Riddler was certainly intelligent enough to have figured it out on his own, but the question was if he had actually done it. Knowing Batman's identity would ruin the mystery and the fun of everything, so would he risk that just to satiate his curiosity? Or did he unconsciously connect the dots and practically get slapped across the face with the realization? There was no sure way to tell.

What was easy to tell was that Ivy had finally returned to her temple of a greenhouse. Batman stood from his outpost on the roof of a low nearby rusted building (or shell of one, anyway) and cautiously approached the greenhouse. The last thing he wanted to do was anger or offend Ivy in any way. There would be no way she'd ever cooperate if that happened.

"Pamela!" He called as he came closer.

Ivy slowly turned around, and the panicked look on her face quickly morphed into a smirk as her expression became visible to him.

"I call you by your stage name, Batman. It's only fair that you do the same," she tutted.

"Ivy, then," he corrected himself. "Where is Selina? I know you two have moved. I'm looking for her. Things were left amiss between us and I wish to change that."

"Batman, you shouldn't lie to women that aren't interested in you. Your so-called charm fails to mask your lies from the likes of me. We both know why you're here, and we both know why you want to see Selina. Cut the shit," Ivy chastised.

"Fine," Bruce's face hardened beneath the cowl. "I know Selina took Madeline. I need to know where she is so I can return Maddie to the proper custody."

"How funny," Ivy laughed. "Selina's just left to do the same thing."

"She's bringing her back to Wayne Manor?" Batman asked, surprised.

"I think you two have different ideas of proper custody," is all Ivy chose to say.

The answer leaped out to Bruce instantly.

"Surely you don't mean...?" He wondered, hoping that he was wrong.

"Every little girl needs her daddy," she smirked. "Madeline is no exception."

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