Squad Up (Pt 5)

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Maddie follows behind the rest of the squad mindlessly until she hears Harley whisper her name. She sees her headed for an elevator and skips over without a second thought, somehow managing to slip away even though they're both the loudest in the group.

No one notices they've gone until the elevator rings and starts going up, Madeline giving Rick a cheerful little wave when she sees him yell her name. Harley is quick to put her back to them and whip out the cellphone from J, checking to see if he's replied.

<Does it matter? I'm coming for you guys>

Harley and Maddie scoff at the subject change and Harley fires back a quick reply.

<Just answer the damn question, J>

Before they can get a response, one of the nasty tar freaks breaks through the ceiling and starts strangling Harley, Maddie dispatching him with a quick stab of a dagger. She'd collected her arrows after the last fight, but they weren't very useful in such tight quarters.

Harley starts to readjust the pigtails that got messed up during the combat, Madeline standing beside her. That, too, is interrupted by a creature crashing in through the glass, tackling Maddie to the floor. Harley gasps in rage and snatches her baseball bat from the floor.

The deranged woman beats the creature on top of Madeline with her bat, snarling aggressively until its head finally explodes. She offers Maddie a hand, which she takes to pull herself up, brushing off the particles of dead zombie once she's standing. Harley straightens up and gently blows the hair away from her eyes, rolling her eyes at the remnants of the creatures that litter the floor.

Finally the elevator dings as they reach the top, the doors sliding open to reveal the rest of the unit waiting for them, weapons raised. Maddie raises an eyebrow and strolls forward as she eyes them with amusement. Harley is more excited and oblivious.

"Hey guys!" She greets happily, humming as she and Madeline strut through their line. The others follow their movement and shake their heads at the obvious crazy radiating from the pair. When they don't follow, Harley stops and turns to look at them, prompting Maddie to as well. "Come on, let's go."

Rick and the others look annoyed, but they drop it and follow the girls into the next room, ready for anything. The office space is far too quiet for any of their liking.

"Flag, they're all around you, use extreme caution," Waller warns through her radio.

"Flag, I don't like this," Deadshot says, looking around suspiciously.

"I don't like it either," Rick replies.

Deadshot immediately starts pulling on his mask, and Harley smirks as she remembers him telling her that when he puts the mask on, people die. But it seems like he's doing it more for a sense of protection than anything.

"Pussy," Madeline spits, still annoyed with him being a kiss ass.

"I will knock your ass out," he replies quickly. "I don't care that you're a girl."

A subtle growling noise is heard from the ceiling before random tiles collapse as tons of the creatures drop down to their floor. The squad is surrounded in an instant as the beasts fall down around them. The soldiers immediately start firing, shots turning into rounds emptied into the creatures' ranks.

Floyd and Harley get in on the gun action while Croc and Boom stick to close range with some of the monsters that keep crashing through the windows. Maddie takes up position on top of a desk and starts shooting her recycled arrows, covering people's backs. She sees Boom getting tackled through a window but can't get a clean shot off to save him, so she sticks to covering for the soldiers, who can't seem to look over their own shoulders. That, and subtly helping out Diablo, who is sticking to his whole "I'll die in peace before I raise my fists again" spiel.

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