Squad Up (Pt 9)

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The walk to the building below the circling ring of trash in the sky is an awkward one, mainly because of the tension between Rick and Madeline. They both stay silent all the way there, despite Harley's many attempts to make conversation.

Flag, despite his and Maddie's disagreement, is able to dole out tasks to various squad members without much hesitation. He sends the SEALS and Croc down in the sewer to get the charge he left to blow up the witch's brother. The rest of them are to go in there and distract the siblings until the brother can be destroyed. Then they'll cut out the witch's heart, get June back, and go their separate ways. Floyd manages to convince Diablo to fight with them, and they all enter the building together.

"Hey, everyone can see all this trippy magic stuff, right?" Harley asks as she looks around.

"Yeah, why?" Flag replies.

"I'm off my meds," she mutters.

"You're never on them," Maddie chuckles back.

"Focus in, guys," Floyd says as they creep around, spotting the witch. "That's your old lady, huh?"

"Yeah," Flag sighs. "Unfortunately."

Maddie doesn't know how to respond to that, so she says nothing.

"Well, you need to handle this shit, alright? Get up there, smack her on the ass, and tell her to knock this shit off," Floyd cracks.

"I do not think that would be wise," Flag replies absentmindedly. "I'm gonna draw out the big one. My boys will detonate the bomb underneath him."

"I've been waiting for you all night," Enchantress's voice echoes above them. "Step out of the shadows. I won't bite."

Oh shit, that rhymes. This bitch is the real deal.

Harley shrugs, and ignores Diablo's warning to walk forward. Luckily Deadshot grabs her and stops her before she can go too far.

"Why are you here? Because the soldier led you here?" Enchantress asks. "And all for Waller? Why do you serve those who cage you? I am your ally. And I know what you want. I know exactly what you want."

Instantly Maddie is transported to a place where she sits around a dinner table, saying grace. She looks up and sees Harley and Joker to her left and right, but they're free of their makeup, tattoos, and hair product. There's a Thanksgiving turkey on the table, and just over the top of it, she can see Rick, smiling gently at her. Lovingly.

"We love you, and we support you, no matter what, pumpkin," Joker is saying, taking Harley's left hand, which is sporting a fat diamond on her ring finger. Maddie doesn't question this, instead smiling.

"Thanks, Dad. I want my love for Rick to one day be as strong and stable as your relationship with Mom," she says warmly.

Rick gets up to stand at her side.

"Well here's a start," he announces, dropping to one knee. Maddie's hands fly to her mouth, and she notices that Joker looks smug, like he already knew.

"It's not real!" Diablo's voice pierces the air, though no one else seems to notice. "You don't want that, not like this."

"Madeline, you are the only woman I've ever loved," Rick tells her. This triggers the rest of her brain to reactivate. He's right, this isn't real, no matter how much I may wish it was.

Maddie shakes herself out of the dream state and follows everyone else to confront the witch. My rival in love.

"How long have you been able to see?" Enchantress asks Diablo curiously.

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