Family Fights

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Explosions rocked the crumbly earth as Madeline watched on in amusement, a detonator sat snugly in her palm. The roaring flames danced attractively, putting a smile on her face.

The rubble had once been a competitor's nightclub, one that had sprung up from nowhere to challenge her daddy's control of Gotham's night life. Idiots.

"Maddie! Back up! You are way too close to the flames!"

Speaking of fathers...

Maddie rolled her eyes and turned around, hand placed sassily on her cocked hip, her other hand carelessly holding the detonator. Joker came speed walking over to his daughter and tugged her by the hand at least ten feet away from her position on the edge of the ridge, her groaning at him the whole time.

"Dad," she whined. "You never let me do anything!"

"Don't you sass me, missy! Don't even get me started on you sneaking out of the house to blow up a building while standing on the edge of a cliff. Do you have any idea how dangerous that is? Do you know how worried I was?"

"Probably not worried enough to stop banging Harley," Maddie muttered under her breath.

"What did you say?" J demanded.

"Nothing," she scoffed.

"You had your mother and I worried sick!" J shouted.

"She's not my mother," Madeline mumbled.

"What?" He asked.

"She's not my mother!" She yelled. "She's some lady you brainwashed and brought home to replace me! I wasn't good enough for you so you had to go make some loony to keep you company!"

"Honey, don't be ridiculous, I didn't make Harley to replace you," Joker cooed, moving forward and placing his hands upon her shoulders.

"You're right. You didn't make her to replace me," Maddie said, eerily calm. "You did it to replace my own mother. Because you're the one who killed her."

Joker took a shocked step back, searching Maddie's eyes for an indication of what to do next.


"Did I find out?" She cut him off. "Remember how you had me learn how to hack from Uncle Eddy to break into the GCPD's database? I was curious, and I looked into my case file. Susan Wainwright. My mother. Murdered by you before I turned five."

"Sweetie," J pleaded.

"Were you afraid I was gonna run away from you and back to her? I didn't even know that woman. I don't know if I'd ever want to know her. But you took the right to choose away from me," Maddie choked, a tear slipping from her eye. "It's always been that way with you. You take away my right to choose whenever you think there's even a possibility that I might do something you won't like!"

"Princess, I do it to keep you safe. I just don't want you to get hurt," Joker soothed, stepping slowly towards her, but Maddie backed up rapidly, putting her hands out.

Unfortunately, that put her on the edge of the cliff again, her foot slipping as the dry earth crumbled beneath it. A sharp cry left her lips as she tumbled back and off the cliff.

Gravity seized her body and she felt it tugging her insistently towards the ground. Maddie squeezed her eyes shut. At least I'm going out with a bang. Dad will appreciate that.

Will You Be My Daddy? ~Joker Fanfiction~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt