Chapter 17

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Desi's POV

"Please wake up. Please wake up." I scream pulling his chest. His eyes were shut and his mouth opened a little. "Jasmine." He whispers before he completely is gone. "Can you move her out the way so I can press something to stop the bleeding." CJ shouts. I feel arms around me pulling me back. "Let me go." I say not even lookinh back to see it was Mason. "Let him stop the bleeding. Stop it." He says. "Mason." Cleo screams behind me. "I can't stop the bleeding." She says as she pushes a cloth down on Naomi." The gun shots happened so fast. One of Jackson guys woke up and slowly shot Naomi and Liam before we could react. Tim picked up Liam with one of Naomi's guys as they dragged him to the car. Liam's eyes were open. Naomi looked like she was falling in and out of sleep as her friends picked her up. "Lets go." Mason says picking up Nick with CJ as they dragged him. "Clean up our finger prints." Mason says as Cleo picks up the guns cleaning them quickly gathering them around. She wipes door handles and everything in reach as I stood there in shock with 10 bodies around me. I wipe Jackson's hand clean that Nick and I held on to before seeing what else.

"Lets go." I tell Cleo rushing after the guys. I get in Cleo's car putting knees up to my chest. If Nick was dead it would be my last straw in life. I know we were on bad terms but I could not have him dead? I have never loved someone in my life the way I loved Nick.

"They will all be fine." Cleo says as she looks at me taking my hand. I didn't even realize I was crying. "Nick literally took a bullet for me. Literally." I say. "He asked me to marry him and I left the city."

"Come on. You cannot beat yourself up for what is in the past or what his choices were?" She says parking her car. "What happened?" Cleo says as CJ stood outside. He sat on a bench next to Tim with his hands in his head. "What?" I ask. "Whats wrong? What happened?"

"CJ." Cleo says.

"Mason collapsed. He was shot as well but he didn't tell us. So when we pulled Nick through the door I can feel the weight literally falling on the floor. They both got admitted. So did Liam and Naomi." He says clearing his head. "Naomi is non responsive and so are Nick and Mason. Liam is going through surgery. They bullet just about missed his organs."

"Nick's bullet was in his chest." I whisper. "Please don't collapse too. There aren't any hospital beds left I think." Tim says and I sit down next to him.

"Their mother is going to flip." Cleo says.

"Someone is dying today. I can feel it." I say.

"Stop saying that." CJ says. "What the fuck happened?" Ryan says walking up as he got out of his car.

"Mason, Nick, Naomi and Liam all got hit by a bullet."

"Shit." Ryan says. "Are they okay?"

"Naomi is non responsive." CJ says rolling his eyes knowing that was ehat he was asking. "So what is up with the others." He asks and CJ fills him in.

I decide to call Luke and tell him what is happening. Once again, Nick and Mason's parents came and all of his siblings except for Sophia who wasn't told for the pregnancy's sake.


Mason had woken up and recovered. So did Liam who was actually already out of the hospital. Naomi and Nick however both were still unresponsive. Nick had actually slight movement in his hand a few times. He woke up a few times before drifting back to sleep mumbling a few words before going back to sleep. I would let him hold on to my hand as he slept through it all.

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