Chapter 25

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Mason's POV

Work was all we did lately and I tried keeping Nick as busy as possible for him not to see Blu so much. Maybe then she would drop this whole thing. I couldn't believe she was doing this like some kind of hero. She has known him for 2 days and thought she knew what was best for him. She did not want to unleash the beast in him. What an idiot. Nobody even knew I knew. Because when I met Tim he did a background search on me and when Nick started doing work he did it on him too. No big deal. That is when I found out. Collin and I knew as well as Tim and we eventually told the rest except for Cleo. She joined us after we all knew about it.

Ive seen Nick having nightmares as a child and him accessing that side was not good. He terrorized the whole school, us at home for a whole day because he had a nightmare of his childhood. So if he actually found out it was true- we couldn't bring the old Nick back. He would be consumed in that darkness. Ive never spoken about it with my parents and I honestly felt like I should maybe speak to them about it.

Nick wasn't really understanding why he was burried with work. I mean he ran most of our businesses- as well as the legitimate ones. We had small pieces to add because lets be honest he was the most consistent and smartest of us. I was at the warehouse most of the time. Seeing what was happening and what not. Liam did the recruiting and clients work. CJ and Cleo did the work with the weapons and overseas stuff where Tim was our account/human resources and everything else in one.

"Dude that is the last favour I'm doing for you." Nick says throwing me the clipboard. We were at the warehouse and I made him double check the stuff coming in and out.

"I'm off." He says. "I haven't seen Desi for like a week." He says and I know he wasn't talking about getting laid. He genuinly wanted to see that evil girl. God he was wipped. "Laters." I tell him as he leaves.

I get home around the evening and everyone was home surprisingly.

"What's up Mason." Liam says as I sit down. "I'm tired man." I sigh. "I keep trying to make sure Nick is busy but I can't keep him away from Blu forever." I tell him.

"Its been two weeks. She probably dropped it." Liam says.

"You guys ordered pizza." I say seeing the boxes. "If theyre empty I'm gonna strangle someone."

"Nah there is a full box." Liam says. I check my phone seeing Naomi messaging me. It was like hard to get a reply from her. These days I didn't really see it like she was my girlfriend. We fucked and that was it. She was busy with her Ryan stuff and I couldn't care less. The two were going back and forth and I was bored. Neither had the guts to kill eachother and I was starting to get annoyed by this and fed up. I know Naomi wanted for someone to do her dirty work because she did not want the word out she killed her own member.

"Guess who is in town tonight?" CJ says sitting down as Cleo follows him into the room. Her cheeks were flushed red and she had a towel around her hair. I know that was Nick's sister now but she definitely just got fucked. They weren't even secretive about it which I loved about them. Very open and real.

"Who is in town?" I ask

"Christian." CJ says. "Really?" I ask and he nods smiling. Christian was his cousin and Collin's best friend. He used to be with us all the time untill Collin died and he ditched us. We had do everything on our own and even though we succeeded this guy disappeared on us.

"That douche." I say rolling my eyes. Everyone kind of groans wondering why the hell he was coming back.

"Come on. He's coming to see us after all these years."

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