Chapter 44

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Mason's POV

"Are you alright now?" I ask Cleo who comes down. "CJ went to bed." She says sitting down avoiding my question. She wasn't fine at all.

I cleaned the bloody knife she stabbed CJ with and almost stabbed her mom with too putting it back. Liam takes it off me and pretends to hit me in the knee teasing Cleo. We have a laugh about it and even Cleo cheers up a little.

The next day things blew over and I was glad everyone wasn't tip toeing around Cleo. For some reason her mood reflected of all of us.

"What brother you here for?" Liam says and I look up seeing Georgia following Tim in.

"Mason." She says and I look at her. "Can I talk to you for a sec?" She asks. Nick looks at her and then carried on eating his breakfast. I get up following her out. This was very strange. Cannot believe she was coming round the house now?

"What?" I ask her.

"Rude." She says. "Is that how you greet a girl you were all over last week?"

"I don't recall that happening." I say and she chuckles throwing her blonde hair back. "You were slightly drunk." She says and I roll my eyes.

"Okay so how can I help you?" I ask her. "You know I'm not down for this."

"Well neither was I until last week. Look, I know this is weird or whatever but Nick and I will never date again and the feelings are long gone? So whats the problem?"

"You're trying to get to Nick through me." I say. "I'm actually nothing like Nick. We do not even look like eachother." I say.

"Thats not true. I've just always been into the wrong brother." She says.

"Its just not happening." I tell her. I really had no feelings towards Georgia and that she was suddenly into me was quite weird. The only thing we had in common was our revenge plot for Naomi.

"I always get what I want." She smiles at me. I look at her and cannot even believe I was entertaining this conversation. Behind me Nick comes out holding his keys in his hand. He shuts the door behind him and stands still next to us as he puts his hand on my shoulder.

"You guys have my blessings." He says and I know he was teasing because he knew Georgia and I could never happen. She was actually so annoying, it was crazy. I just couldn't stand it.

"Fuck off Nick." I say and he chuckles getting into his car leaving. "Bye Georgia." I tell her. "I also wanted to let you in on something. You know how my ears always out. I know everyones business."

"Your ear isnt always out. Your nose is in everyones business." I say. "That is because you pretend to be everyones friend and you then take their business to people who it doesnt concern."

"Or worse. I take it to people who it does concern?


"Yep. So you wanna hear it or not?"

"Is anyones life in danger that I care about."

"No." She says. "Well yes. I dont know, anyway this is to prove to you. I am over Nick, Mason." She says. "Since I started becoming Anthony Suarez friend, he has shared that Blu is actually one of his biggest asset. He wants to upgrade her from investigator to one of his crew members. He's a very dangerous man in dangerous business. Nick might not know this but shes doing a one man job out there in Seattle."

"Whats the job?"

"Some guy called Rivero. Hes got a huge client list and Suarez wants Blu to steal the list."

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