Chapter 36

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Nick's POV

Things werent going as smooth as I would have hoped. So I opened a can of worms here and it wasn't healthy. Desi went to class. She didn't know her mother was still here and I hope she wouldn't freak.

Why was she like this? Tim did his proper research and funny enough mom is married to a very big guy who is a drug dealer in Mexico city. Pregnant with this child she left the husband.

"Whats your plan. You can't stay here. Desi will get pissed." I say. Mason sat at the table eating food. "I don't get it." Mason says. "You knew what Desi was up to this whole time." He says and she nods. "Still you didn't approach her."

"It's hard to explain you're a fuck up." She says

"Does your husband know you're pregnant with that douche?"

"No. You crazy? He will kill me. And also he lied he's not the father. The timeline doesnt even add up- what an idiot."


"Its Jamie's." She says and I chuckle. "Wow. I think there is something wrong with you."

"Jamie was married- didnt want me to keep the baby and tried killing me. So I faked my own death. But, I'm currently seperating from my husband. My mom and sisters live in Seattle. I might stay over."

"So what now with you and Desi?"

"After that little time I spend I refuse to let go of her so easily." She says. "I always scared of being a disappointment to her. As a parent facing rejection it is difficult."

"Trust me as a child its 10x more difficult." Mason says rolling his eyes. "I think youre pretty good at manipulating and lying." I say. "I don't know if I should believe this. I'm just trying to protect Desi and I don't know if you should be as far away from her or not. She really needed this."

"I swear Nick, I will never lie to her again." She says and I sigh. "Jamie is out today."

"If he comes for me-"

"He won't do that to Desi."

"He tried before?" She frowns. "Jamie is a psychotic bastard. You might not wanna trust him." She says. "Well I'm not really a trusting person." I tell her and Mason sniggers. "He's not a good man. If anything you should protect Desi from him. He isn't just a drug dealer. He's into prostitution and trafficking."

"Well that is his business and has nothing to do with me. You think I'm a good person who will call the cops now?" I ask frowning. "Don't expect none of that shit."

"Hello." I hear Ariel say walking into the kitchen. "What's up." Mason says as I nod at the blonde girl in love with me. "My sister came. She's getting her stuff out of the car."

"Oh." Mason says. "You can hide her. The guys aren't around." He teases. "Hi." Ariel says greeting Hailey. "Hi." She says back. "And you are?"

"Ariel. I work with these guys." She says and Hailey nods. "Do you guys only employ pretty girls?"

"You mean Cleo- she is so pretty." Ariel says and I roll my eyes. She sees me rolling my eyes and shoves me. "Rude." She says and I chuckle.

"So Desi is fine with all these pretty girls working so closely with you?"

"Oh. I think you lost the right to be concerned about Desi when you have been absent all her life and the fact that you just lied to her." I say

"Nick-" Mason says looking at me.

"Oh this is Blu's mother." Ariel says. "Yep." Mason says. "Your future mother in law. You should be nicer?"

"Hi." Another says stepping into the room. She didn't look much like Ariel apart from the gold locks. "Hey." Mason says.

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