Chapter 24

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Desi's POV

Nick was on a rollercoaster of emotions and I think it was all because of the under lying issues. Deep down it confused him his parents were getting married again. His reaction was normal I guess to what others would do but he was so irrational he left without even figuring out what happened. I mean people in New York do not play games.

Things calmed down and Nick and I sat on the couch as people sat around talking enjoying eachothers company. People stared at us once in a while. They probably knew Nick when he was younger. I got him to be playful again as he tried studding doritoz into my mouth.

"Stop it." I giggle fighting him off.

''Shall we get out of here?'' He asks and I nod. ''Sure.'' I say getting up. Nick takes my hand guiding me through the people as he says goodbye to his mom. Jasmine hugs me long and tight and I really appreciated her being so nice to me. I don't know what it was. I mean she was lovely person anyway but she was so sweet to me. Like a motherly person it was nice.

''Justin went to sleep.'' Alex says walking down the stairs. ''Maybe next time not demonstrate those behaviours?'' He tells Nick. He looked serious - not even joking. Nick nodded a little before shrugging. ''You guys leaving?'' He asks us and Nick nods. ''Yeah.''

''See you later little bro.'' He tells Nick. ''Bye Desi.'' He nods giving me a polite smile before disappearing to the rest I guess.

''I'm out.'' Nick tells the twins who sat in the kitchen eating food. ''Laters.'' Sam says. Sophia gets up and hugs us both. She hugged Nick for what seemed like hours. Nick - a little confused - wrapped his arm around her after a little wondering why she was still glued to him. ''Love you Nick.'' She says and he nods. She was probably hormonal and pregnant because Sophia and Nick were like gas and fire. Sam and I look at each other a little confused before Sophia lets go. I think it was a thank you for sticking up for her in her time of need.

Nick and I leave the house. It was always something new with this family. It was however really nice to see since I did not get that experience in life.

''I wish I had brothers and sisters.'' I tell Nick as I get in his car fastening my seat belt. ''You do?''

''Yeah.'' I say. ''You're so lucky. Look how many you got that care and love you so much.'' I say and he nods. ''You can have all of them.'' He chuckles making me laugh. ''I mean, wow. You have a lot of siblings. These 6, 4 of Zoe's and 3 of Omar. That is 13 siblings. A whole football team and their subsitutes.''

''Shut up.'' He laughs driving off his parents property.

''They do not really feel like siblings though like these do.''

''Even Cleo?''

''She kind of does. Sometimes I forget? I just see her as my friend as CJ's girl. I just forget but then I remember and its weird. I am just happy that CJ called dips on her and nothing happened.'' He says making me laugh. ''Ew.'' He mumbles.

''So do you ever wonder it would be like if you were raised with Zoe.''

''If she was like how she is now... I'd probably be wearing polo tops and be in college.'' He chuckles.

''I wonder what would happen if my parents raised me.''

''You would probably still be the same person.'' He chuckles knowing my parents background. ''Have you received anymore letters?''

''Yeah. They're coming like every week twice. Its annoying.''

''I know you know I cannot stand the guy but... Do you think he is trying to reach you desperately?''

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