Chapter 49

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Nick's POV

"You alright?" I ask Desi as she stood by my window. "When did you come?"

"Come." She says and smiles at me. She jumps out of my window. "What?" I ask. "Where you going?" I get out of my bed and look outside. "Desi?" I say out loud wondering where she went. Fuck. Did she fall? I jump out the window panicking. My hand slips and I bust my rib against the balcony.

What the hell was I doing on my balcony. Damn sure I broke some ribs or something. God damn. I get back into my bed and sigh. That electric shock fucked my head up real bad.

"You're dating two girls at the same time." I say looking at Mason as we had breakfast.

"Its complicated." He shrugs. I saw a blonde girl leaving and a brunette leaving yesterday. "I'm breaking up with both. They helped me get over Naomi." He was such an idiot it made me laugh. I could not even laugh too much because I had to weirdest shit happen to me last night. My side hurt and it looked bruised as fuck. My whole side was now blue/purple-ish.

"You needed two girls to get over Naomi?" I ask frowning and he chuckles. "Basically."

"Wow. Hand me the milk." I say and he chuckles. "Don't be a douche."

"I'm not. Naomi wasn't a great person and she made life complicated. I don't know if that was with or without the gang she was running or not but that girl sucked."

"Okay okay- shall we bash your exes?"

"The one you're currently in love with?" I ask laughing. He hated it when I said that shit. He really did which made it funnier. "You're honestly an asshole."

"Thanks." I smile. "Hey." Desi says walking into the kitchen. Its been 2 days since our little mission. "So the two of you started a little his and hers crew."

"Yeah and we kick ass." She smiles. She had her hair down in waves wearing a summery white dress with no sleeves up to her knees with converses.

"Hi." I tell her as she kisses me. "What smells funny here?" She asks

"Mason." I say laughing. "No what are you guys eating?"

"I'm heating up yesterdays pizza." He says. Desi literally turns around and vomits in the trash. "Ew." Mason says as we hear her vomit. I pull her hair back for her while she vomits forever.

"Are you okay?" I ask her handing her water and tissue.

"I don't know what is wrong." She says. "Are you pregnant?" Mason says and I look at Desi. "No." She says frowning. "I'm on the pill for your information. And I just had my period."

"Too much information?" Mason says and I sigh out loud feeling a relief over me. My head hurts out of nowhere and I grab my head. "Goddamn." I say sighing. "What's wrong. My head keeps hurting randomly ever since those electric shocks." I say drinking some water. "You need to see a doctor."

"I'll be fine." I say

"Nick- its been days. You should really go."

"I'm fine." I snap annoyed suddenly throwing the cup in the sink watching it smash a few times. I leave the room feeling my anger was getting out of control. Just like that I snapped back from it. I wondered my I lost control like that.

Desi walked into my room as I changed. "I'm gonna leave." She says as I pull my shirt over my head.

"Don't leave." I say feeling bad. "I don't know why I snapped."

Collin's Crew II Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ