Chapter 21

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Nick's POV

I get in the car annoyed. I couldn't believe Desi was working for this guy. I didn't want her in any harms way.

"Don't be mad." She says and I look at her as she does her seatbelt. I didn't bother with mine. "You know I'm good at these things and you're just mad you're not." She teases leaning in kissing my cheek and lips. "Trust me babe. Okay?" She says and I look at her.

"Okay." I say clearing my throat before driving off his property. What a douche. I mean I really could not believe he actually wanted to throw away the hate he had for her and her old crew for her services? I mean she was pretty good. I'd say that. But- I just didn't trust it. I know if Mason was dead and I knew who was behind it- I would not be cutting deals. There would be heads rolling. Speaking of Mason - I should check if he was alright. I text him asking if he was doing alright.

"You really should stop texting and driving." Desi says as she had her feet up staring at me. "I'm like the best driver and multi tasker ever." I tell her and she chuckles. I lock my phone and put it on my lap.

"So what have you planned for the rest of the day?" She asks. "I have a few things to take care of." I say remembering my to do list for today. "Also I have a christmas present for Zoe. It was my moms idea." I tell her. She looks at me and smiles. "If you told me a year ago Nick Adams was buying a christmas present for the people he wouldn't even wanna tell me about I would never believe you."

"Well- I honestly was not. But then mom said that I should bring her this." I say reaching in the glove department. "Its a christmas card I made when I was 5. I don't remember this at all. Mom said it would be a nice christmas present." I say

"I think so too." She says as she looks at the card. "This is so nice. Didn't know you had those nice words in you Nick. 'To my first mom. Have a merry christmas. I miss you." She reads. "My memory of her faded after that because I didnt address or talk about her since I met you." I say. "I remember pressuring you." She says smiling. "You got so pissed."

"We had a big fight. I ended up seeing where she lived. Just to see if she was alive." I say remember when we bumped into eachother. I park the car infront of her house as Desi decided to stay in the car. I didn't know why. Maybe she thought it would be fast.

"Nick." Zoe says opening the door.

"Hi." I say. "You look better than when I saw you last time." She says and I nod as I stand at her door step. Last time I saw her it was at the hospital when I asked her where my mom was.

She looked like she was cooking dinner. I mean she couldn't do this when I was born? I shake the thought out of my head and hand her he laminated card. "I wanted to give you this as a christmas present." I say. "Made it when I was 5. My mom kept it all these years for me to give it to you one day." I say. She looks at the card and then looks at me.

"Thank you..." She says speechless. "I..." she has tears in her eyes and this would be the second time I made someone cry today. Wondered if I was making her feel bad. "This is so sweet." She tells me. "Thanks Nicholas." She smiles before hugging me. I nod as she lets go. "See you around." I say and she nods watching me get in the car.

Desi and I head over to eat some food before CJ calls me telling about the new warehouse. Desi shrugs when I ask her if she wants to hang out with the guys. She got really close with Cleo and I knew they were when Cleo got pregnant and she confided in Desi. But I know her and Mason practically couldn't stand eachother which I thought was really annoying.

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