Chapter 50

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Desi's POV

So things went left really fast. I never would've thought Omar would physically touch Nick. I don't know why he tried that shit because Nick would never step aside and take shit. As I watched Nick sit on top of his father and start punching him I felt a little dizzy. Nick didn't stop untill Mason, Liam and CJ had to pull him off. Omar's face smeared with blood. That was Nick's left hand that did that damage. Cleo ran up the stairs and came back with shit to make the blood stop pouring. His eyes, cheeks and mouth were busted. I sat on the floor with her trying to see if he was breathing. The guys get Nick out the room and I noticed Zoe sat on the couch defeated as she sobbed away.

We throw water over Omar's face and get himto stand up. "God damn." He says sitting downon the couch. "Its okay ladies. I'll get it seen." He says as he gets up. "Tell Nick I will never bother him again." He says as he walks out the house.

"Zoe." I say as she looks at me. "Are you okay?"

"Eh. Yes. No. I'm just going to go too." She says. "Clearly he doesn't want us in his life. I'll never get my Nicholas back." She says leaving the house too.

"That was fucked up." Cleo says sighing.

"What Nick was saying was really not good. I get he is hurt but that was so horrible."

"Cant believe he did that to Omar's face." She says and I get up trying to find Nick. He was in his bathroom washing blood of his knuckles. Liam, Mason and CJ stood in his room guarding him for some reason. Mason nods at me before leaving us alone.

"What's the deal?" I ask him as he walks out drying his hand.

"If you're gonna be telling me off- I rather you don't." He tells me.

"So? You cannot just chill can you?" I ask

"He came at me first. He then swung at me first." He defends himself. I sit down on top of his lap and kiss his lips. "You damn well know the stuff that was comin out your mouth was rude, horrible and mean." I say. He looks at me and tries to push me off of his lap. "No you're gonna listen to this." I say pushing him down as I hoover over him. "You wanted to get a reaction out of them. I know you did. You're hurt Nick. I get why you're trying to hurt them as much as they hurt you. But they have tried to turn over a new leaf? You just won't give them the chance. What are you? Afraid they will ditch you again?"

"Desi get off of me."

"No. You werent raised to speak to people like that. I know the sweet nice side of you Nick. Thats the side I fell in love with." I say. "Not the mean side."

"Well you get both." He says

"I can't watch you explode like this. All I think about is what example you set for our kids. I want them to have a different life than us."

"What do you want from me."

"Show me you're mature enough to set this right." I say getting off of him. If he can set this right it be a great step for self growth. "And if I don't." He says.

"I can't do this anymore." I say. It was a little bit of motivation for Nick honestly. I think me breaking up with him wouldn't happen. I leave the room heading downstairs. Nick and I were supposed to go out for lunch but that wasn't gonna happen.

A few days later, Nick calls me and I answer the phone. I was happy he decided to call me because I missed seeing him and talking to him but I had to stand my ground. If he could not do this...

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