Chapter 27

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Desi's POV

It was strange seeing Nick's younger brother especially because he was a spitting image of Nick. I assume that is what he looked like when he was younger.

William peaked at me a few times wondering probably how his brother got me I guess as he smiled at Nick.

"I'm waiting for my friend and I'm out." He tells Nick. "Does anyone call you Will?" I ask and he nods. "My friends. My parents call me William. They call you Nicholas too." He tells Nick. "Mom never says Will or Nick."

"Does anybody call you Nicholas?" He asks.

"Nobody calls me Nick unless theyre teasing or my parents are pissed." Nick says. It was nice seeing him conversating with him.

"Dude! You wanna leave?" A kid shouts at William. "Yeah." He answers. "Nice to meet you guys." He says as she nods at us.

"Laters." The guys say and Nick nods at him as William walks off. "It was like a flash back of when Nick was 14. You looked exactly like that." Mason laughs.


As Nick sat in his kitchen speaking to his mom I kind of backed away waiting in the hall way. I did not want to ruin their little conversation. I leaned on the wall and just listened and waited.

"How you feeling lately?" She asks him

"Good mom." He says. "I'm good."

"You spoken to Omar or Zoe lately?"

"Nope. Do you want milk with your tea?"

"No thanks. Hows Desi? How are the two of you."

"Good I guess." He says and I can imagine him shrugging being uncomfortable about talking abouthis feeling. "She does make you happy doesn't she."

"Mom. You're making me uncomfortable." He says. She chuckles and there is a bit of silence. "Are you being a good boyfriend to her?"

"I don't know." He says. "I hope."

"You guys were engaged at some point. Are you that serious again."

"We don't have that not so serious. Were serious thing." He says. "Its very intense. I either want to punch the walls and break chairs or I want to actually smile all day." He says and I almost chucke out loud. Took him 20 questions to finally answer properly. I leaned against the wall waiting for him to finish his conversation with his mother.

"You know he's in the kitchen right?" Liam says walking down the stairs.

"I know. Just waiting." I tell him and he nods as he walks into the kitchen.

"Blu is waiting for you." Liam says

"'Mom- I have to go now." Nick says as his mother spoke about her job. "Well, where is Mason. I want to say hi to him before I leave."

"He's still in bed. Thats all he does- sleep."

"Oh God." She says. "Heartbreak hey." She sighs. "Did he eat today?"

"I haven't seen him eat." Nick says. "Laters mom." He says walking out the kitchen. He looked breathtakingly beautiful as always. He licked his pink plum lips as he walked out. His hair was the usual wavey mess on top of his head with his sides faded. Wearing a simple white tshirt, blue jeans and black vans, he walked out and looked at me.

"Hey." He says seeing me standing at the door opening. "Hey." I say as he walks towards me. I wrap my arms around his neck kissing his lips. Not seeing him a whole day was weird. Missed him and all I wanted was to jump his bones.

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