Chapter 46

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Desi's POV

Coming back to New York a few weeks early was a good idea because I get to surprise Nick like he surprised me. Spend 2 months with my family and I really felt like it was time for me to come back home as they settled into their new house I bought mom and grams.

I told Luke about my plan to surprise him and he told me he let everyone know except for Nick obviously which I didn't understand because his family was a lot of people they would ruin my surprise. One could easily slip? But thankfully it wasn't ruined.

I told Nick I was sorry and I'd send him a present but all lies obviously. He so believed it.

Flew back this morning, got home to my apartment which I really missed. I got showered, dressed in a pretty pink dress with lace at the top so it had a bit of my skin showing on my arms. It was just above my knees and I paired it with my pink heels. I curled my hair and did my make up and made sure I wore the nicest lingerie ever. I was the best birthday present ever.

Running a little late from all the shaving I had to catch up on not seeing Nick for a while- I drive over to his parents house and ring the doorbell texting Luke I was here.

"Hey." He says opening the door. I missed my blonde friend. I hug Luke as he tells me Nick has no idea. I walk into the living room and see Nick crunching down talking to Justin about numbers.

"What are you? Teaching him maths now?" I ask Nick. He freezes for a second before standing up straight turning around.

"Desi." He says. He looked surprised. The bruised cheek caught my attention but I decide not to ruin the moment. His whole family watching- I couldnt even remember when I walked over to him. "I should've known." He says and I chuckle as he hugs me wrapping his arms around me. I could cry- but I won't. Not infront of people anyway. "You thought I'd miss your birthday?" I ask and he laughs pulling my head in kissing my lips. He really didn't care his whole family was watching us. They actually all cheered and it made me shy for some reason breaking the kiss. "How cute." Sophia says hugging me first as Nick lets go of me. "Hi babe." I say hugging her.

"We missed you Desi. That was a long two months not just for Nick." She says and I chuckle hugging her again. She was so cute. Mason nods at me but Alex hugs me. He was way more softer than Mason and Nick who really were so annoying.

"You look great sweetie." Jasmine compliments me as she hugs me. Me and Nick's dad werent too close. He probably still thought my name was Daisy. So he just smiles at me and tells me what a great surprise for Nick.

"Come on lets eat." Jasmine says as we all go outside. Nick takes my hand stopping me. "Can't believe youre back." He says as he looks at me. "Now you can't shout over me at the phone." I tell him and he chuckles. God, I missed him. The distance is supposed to make us stronger right?

I pull his shirt to get him down to my level and kiss his lips. Even with heels he was taller than me. "I missed you." I say in between kisses. "I can tell." He says and I chuckle wiping my lipstick off his lips. "Happy Birthday Nick." I says and he chuckles showing me his grin and white straight teeth. "Come on lets eat!" Alex shouts at us and I let go of Nick and walk outside to the set up table.

"Oh my God the cake has your picture on it!" I say and he looks at the cake. "Really mom?" He asks and I laugh. "That is so adorable. You look like a baby."

"That was his 8th birthday." Jasmine says laughing. "My favorite picture of him." Nick stood smiling with his eyes squeezed shut holding a balloon as he wore shorts and a white tshirt. He looked so adorable. "I've never actually seen his baby pictures apart feom the ones on the wall." I tell Jasmine sitting down. "Oh God." Nick says. "I'm gonna have to get the albums out."

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