Alpha Grey

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Finian POV

Long dancing flames stretch their fingers high in the night sky carrying my father back to the moon. It's our life cycle, we come from the moon, we go back to the moon only to meet again one day.

The fire is fed all night long, burning hot and bright.

The first soft glow of light breaks through the darkness. We've all been standing for a very long time watching the fire, all quiet in mourning.

Now is the time for any challenges for the Alpha position. If any wolf thinks they can beat Grey, now is the time to show teeth.

Taking a position on his left, letting every one of these wolves see that I support Grey as the True Northern Alpha. Peter takes a position behind us...

"You have my support Grey, the Western pack stands with you." His voice comes out in bludgeoning force meant to deter any challenge to Grey's position. Peter puffs himself out, looking around the group of males....waiting for the wolves to step forward.

The wait isn't long, males start to circle posturing their intent. Their own nature pushing them to take what they think they can. These are Beta born seeking to further their status against another Beta. They don't realize he's Alpha born just like I am, cut from the same cell. The only difference is I was born first.

Chest puffing up, "Show these wolves who you are Grey." My voice is only for his ears. The pack backs away, my mother must endure this, she is no longer the Luna, she cannot hold the title without an Alpha backing her. She's too weak against a full grown male, her nature won't allow her to hold a pack by herself. Only the strongest can lead.

A female has never held an Alpha position ever.

Bristling fur raises along Grey's spine, his wolf has fully ascended. Teeth sharp, willing to inflict pain, death to those that think they are more than him. A fierce gust of wind scattering the ashes of the fire, lifting my father up and away, nothing but warm coals remain. My father's body no more, he is no more. I only hope he is watching his son be what I could never be. My head wants to hang in shame.

Whispering out to the wind "I'm sorry, father."

Five wolves surround Grey, they will attack in a pack first trying to take the strongest out, then they will cannibalize each other....survival of the fittest.

Do they not realize who personally trained us, do they not realize we are the sons of the alpha.

Grey holds his ground assessing each individual, he will take the most aggressive out violent as he can. This will be the first time he will take a life, he's going to remember this till the day he dies.

You never forget the first.

I remember mine, I was a newly shifted juvenile visiting my mother's pack for a few weeks in the summer. While the sun shined almost twenty-four hours a day. The second son of the Alpha kept harassing us, biting at our haunches. He drew first blood from me before turning on Grey. The way that wolfs muzzle was dripping with Grey's blood left me no choice but to show them who I was. It was so easy, just clamp down, bite hard, pull back, tearing the life away from him. His brother attacked, that was a different matter. He was Alpha born just like me, the fight was fair, so evenly matched. Both of us bloody, torn apart. We only stopped when the Alpha got involved, my mother pleading for my life. Stating the Old Ways belief system, it was in my right, that wolf drew first blood, she was invoking traditions that bind that pack to the moon with its rigid rules.

I was lucky to escape.

Attention focusing back on Grey, ears flattened against his head, mouth dripping saliva, tail out straight, he's stiff legged. Father taught us not to posture too much against our rivals, instead, surprise them with an attack. The wolves around him are all dancing their war dance, fighting forms all displaying lethal teeth that will kill if given the opportunity.

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