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Victoria's POV

A flicker or real pain flashes across his face with the knowledge of what he has just done, that bloodied hand of his touches his chest leaving my brother's blood on his shirt staining the clean fabric.

Finian's gaze locks with mine, eyes dilating as he tries to shake off whatever feeling he's having. The whole exchange took just a few seconds before his hand drops back down to his side. He steps away from me as I'm postured at his feet.

"Stand up Victoria" there's a subtle gentleness in his voice that I've never heard before.

"This needs to be done, don't look away." We stand there just inches apart side by side watching the scene in front of us unfold.

My other Beta starts demanding, screaming things at me, I might be watching but I'm trying not to hear....I'm a coward.

If I just focus on my breathing, control the rate and the rhythm, I won't break.

It begins, Fin growls out to the crowd taking a step forward as the two massive Beta's flinch slightly with the power coming of a true Northern Alpha. His men look on in absolute worship,

Grey stands proud, his brother is everything he could never be.

It's up to Fin to put down all challenges, the King has come to claim his kingdom through teeth and claw.

The beast ripples underneath as flesh gives way to fur.

Watching on, the coward in me wants to flee, wants to turn my head and pretend that this is not happening but it is and I look on with unfiltered eyes....

Everything that is happening is because of my jealousy, putting myself before the pack. I could have chosen to do nothing but jealousy is all too consuming. It whispers to your insecurities, flashes pictures of them together creating a life....a life that I should be carrying. Nothing else matters you lose your mind with the obsessive thoughts until the dark abyss of revenge is what you think will make things right.... But does it make it right? The thought whispers in my ear?

I misjudged Fin....

Never did I think this would happen, every single thing I have worked for, trained myself for, destroyed all in a single moment of placing myself first above others.....

So I look on, taking my punishment, holding my tongue from crying out.

My choices sealed my fate, with each death, my breath is stifled in my lungs.

Continuing to look on as the King takes his kingdom in force, the way it has to be, anything less would have these sheep thinking they could be Kings.

Fin makes examples out of my strongest warriors reducing them to broken unseeing bodies, I notice how the clouds are gathering in the sky watching, the wind picks up rustling the canopies of the treetops, natures way of cheering on a King's ascension.

There is a grace to his killing, it's done efficiently without the need of senseless suffering on the fallen's part. Death is quick and clean when it comes, his full power unleashed without the restraint he showed me. I realize now watching him, there was no way that I ever stood a breath of a chance against him...he's so much more.....

It's the wilds beauty....

That's what I'm watching, him losing himself to his wolf. His true nature surges forth, enticing my wolf to show her face. I feel her pushing her will against mine, an inward battle we constantly fight with each other....

My wolf understands the more dominate force in front of her now...she's excited by this...

His fighting form unleashes such destruction that the males are starting to crouch down, tails curling under, ears pulled flat against their heads....trying to make themselves smaller posturing their submission.

Facing them all, facing what I have done...all of them accusing me with judgment. Collecting my courage I straighten my back, raise my head praying to the moon to give me the strength....I know what I have done to them and I have nowhere to hide. So I stand there, hands clasped in front of me...seeing but unfocused...I am a coward.

My hand involuntary grazes my neck, trying to loosen the noose of shame that tightens with each death....

Fin's fighting form advances on me, his ears pulled back threatening, canines stained crimson with the blood of many on them. Fur ruffled up, the wolf stands proud of who he is. The grey fur ruffling with the voice of the wind brushing against his body.

Knowing what's expected I bend my will to him, show my neck and kneel in front of his fighting form. Our eyes meet, I let the wolf see into my soul, see what he's about to claim. It doesn't deter him, feeling the hot breath against my neck, the wet nose pushing against my skin almost as if placing a gentle kiss before the puncture of canines is felt.

Curling my fingers into the soft fur provides little comfort caused by the searing pain of sharpened teeth that puncture solid flesh. Holding onto him for support, feeling the bond solidify into my consciousness has visible tremors seizing my body immobile.

The unyielding presence of another mind intruding, pushing itself into yours, has a paralyzingly effect. I can't even will myself to pull a breath into my air starved lungs. Sealing his mark up with the lick of his tongue I try to meet the wolf's eyes but cannot. I know what's to come, feeling him position himself behind me instead of claws feeling fingers pulling on the material of my back.

Fin's going to do what his brother could never accomplish with Meela. My final punishment for all to witness, keeping my head bowed staring quietly at the ground. I know what's expected of me, how this all works, I'm not naive to this horror.

His wolf is still just under the surface of his skin, rippling with power. Hot breath against my neck where the newly placed mark rests. Looking out into the crowd, watching my young juvenile females approaching with death in their eyes...Becca leads them, they position themselves around his men. Knives of silver start to come out, he has underestimated the females of my pack. Not realizing they are more ruthless than my males, they are the heart.

Shaking my head no to them, their lives too precious to waste on mine. Stilling them with a flash of fang, my dominance still holds some power, holding their position, they will witness their Queen's taking.

Firm fingers pull me into his chest.

His mouth presses against my ear so only I can hear. "I will never put myself inside you." He takes a long breath in, letting it out slowly. "

"In front of your entire pack, I want them to understand that you are not worthy of the traditions that I hold dear." With those spoken hateful words he shames me in front of all those eyes, the Alpha refusing the taking of his mate in the Old Ways.

The pedestal that once held me above others topples down taking with it all my choices have sealed my fate.

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