Decay Rebuilds

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Finian POV

Gently sliding my fingers between hers, holding her hand tight and strong. She looks down at our embrace, while the curve of her lips upward betrays her emotions that she trying desperately hard not to display.

"Fin let go of my hand." Trying to pull herself away from me, she can't break my grip.

"If I don't lead you, then how will you ever follow me, Victoria?" The low rumble that vibrates outward tells me she thinks she should be leading. That has me chuckling slightly, she's strong enough to lead just not strong enough to lead me.

Tripping slightly from my pace, I need to slow down so she can keep up I don't want her to fall anymore because of me. Not turning to look at her, I lead her through the house as her eyes just rake against my flesh. I can feel everywhere they settle on, especially my back.

She doesn't look away as I dress, taking my time, letting her look at all the angles, putting my own show on for her.

"I have a question for you Victoria," She looks at my eyes now instead of my what's between my legs, but I do appreciate the attention.

"Your wolf, she doesn't like me does she?" Pulling my pants up, while her eyes once again fall to my fingers doing up the zipper.

"No, she has come to hate you. The only thing she wants is your throat." I know this, nothing I don't know.

"What does she think of my wolf?" The wolf in me standing at attention, waiting for his approval. The beast thinks he's incredibly perfect, he already knew this.

"She thinks that your wolf is worthy of her. She thinks and we're both in agreement that he is much more than us. He's a King that we can bow down to." My wolf satisfied with her thoughts he thinks the same way.

Now the question I have been angling towards. "Do you still love Grey?"

"Yes I do, but not in the way you think. I love him as a friend, nothing more." She's sitting on the edge of the bed while wincing in pain. My compulsions to know everything she feels for him is winning out. I just need to know how she feels since I don't have access to her present thoughts.

"Did you love him as much as he loved you?" My eyes don't leave hers in this moment, I need to know everything. It will hurt but at the same time, I have to know all of the history not just her memories.

"Yes, I think I loved him more, he was my savior. He never wanted to change who I was, never wanted to make me into something I wasn't. He just accepted me." That's the truth, her truth looking into her memories Grey always smiling at her, always encouraging, being the male that she dreamed about.

It's a horrible feeling to let the person who could have been your greatest love down with who you decided to be.

"Your wolf-" She stops me with a wave of her hand.

"My wolf and him have never met, she only tolerates his presence, she only tolerates people and dominates all fur, except you and your mother. She can't dominate your wolf and she has decided that your mother is her own private territory if that makes any sense." This is the first time the wolf has bonded with a female ever.

A memory of Victoria with her main female after Grey, she could never have the touch of a male on her body before or after Grey. She despised the touch of males against her flesh. it makes her skin crawl as if maggots are burrowing underneath, trying to tunnel out. The females hand touching her, making Victoria moan while telling Victoria how beautiful she is. This is the distinct time that Victoria comes to realize after being with Grey that she's only beautiful to someone if their hands are touching her otherwise, she never hears those words, ever.

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