Calloused Heart

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Finian POV

Her seat still sits empty on my right, it's been weeks yet she doesn't claim what she has earned.

A spot beside me.

The only time I see her is with her back against a tree, at the grave sights just sitting there, staring into the distance. She can stay still for hours and hours without moving. I endure hours and hours of trying not to watch her. Somehow my sight always pulls her way.

She's been getting up earlier than me, leaving the house as if she's a child again. She loved anywhere that wasn't home. Trying to stay away for as long as she could, until sleep was threatening to take her, even then with her chin trying to rest against her chest, eyes heavy she would always contemplate staying outside than staying inside where she knew he waited for her.

She was more afraid of what the night brought outside than what she knew was waiting for her inside.

Waiting for my juveniles to come to the training facility while Victoria's are all lined up and ready. I'm slightly annoyed by this, my juveniles should know better, they should have been here first. I'll have to have a strong discussion with them that I will not be kept waiting.

I wait for no one.

Looking at one of her juvenile females with her braids in her hair brings a memory of Victoria to the forefront, always she's in my forefront.

The demon cackles in the air.

Charlie and Victoria creeping silently in Charlie's house, tiptoe quiet both understand the need to be invisible. Today's different his mother's up, barely. Weaving sideways, clumsy, stepping into furniture. The smell of bitter alcohol on each exhaled breath has them breathing through their mouths.

Her thick tongue slurring words that are hardly recognizable. Charlie going to the cupboard as Victoria stays as still as a newborn fawn, eyes tracking the threat as she comes closer and closer to her.

The female takes her hand running it over Victoria's tangled hair. "I haven't braided hair in a long time. Charlie, do you remember how I braided her hair? How pretty she always looked?" The mother's eyes glazed with a memory of the past.

"Sit down." Fingers grip onto Victoria's arm as she's pulled to the table to sit on a chair.

"Charlie be a good male and fix your mother a drink." He goes into the spot that holds all the bottles of clear liquid that brings her the slow death.

His mother reaches into a drawer in the cabinet that's beside the table, pulling out two pink ribbons. Beautiful in Victoria's eyes. The color so perfect, just like all the other young pups wear in their hair.

His mother doesn't brush her hair out, instead, she separates the hair so each side of her head will hold a braid. Weaving the tangled mess together, Victoria doesn't care, she's excited that she gets to look like all the other little females. Even though they are messy and full of knots, she can't help the little squeal when she looks at herself in the mirror. Turning her head this way and that way for better angles, the pink bows tied perfectly.

"Do you think I look pretty Charlie?" She's looking at him waiting for an answer. He just shrugs his shoulders, "I guess." She deflates slightly.

She thinks she looks beautiful, not smiling at herself because that would ruin what she's looking at, but she loves the braids. His mother falling down on the couch, her drink spilling all over the cushions. She starts swearing at Charlie who's gripping Victoria by the arm, pulling her away to the safety of outside.

Walking away empty-handed, both of them hungry they go looking for food at the houses that waste good food.

Sharing a slice of pizza that was still in the pizza box that was thrown away, they sit on a log together. Eating and talking about thier good luck.

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