Thou Shall Not

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Confidence, when acquired, makes you stand taller, your shoulders straighten out, theirs a swagger to your step..the light in you burns brighter with your worth.

Looking out over the pack as every single one of them are on bended knee exposing their necks to me... I cannot help the way the corners of my lips turn up into a slight smile. The way my chest puffs out slightly, the way I feel as if I just accomplished a goal that was set out before me by the moon herself.

This pack has come together as one to accept me as their Luna in a show of absolute respect, they bend their will to mine and it's my duty and obligation to be what they want me to be nothing more, nothing less.

Watching Fin take the scene in, his most fearsome warriors to the most fragile females accepting me as the New Queen. His posture is straight, arms at his side, those eyes start at the bottom of my feet and slowly raise up the length of my body until I'm faced with a deep grey set of eyes. His mouth is held in a tight line and I have no idea what is running through that mind of his. Not a thought is betrayed from his stoned face except a slight twitch in his jaw.

Slowly that almost smile turns down, that rush of confidence flows slowly out of me as I feel my shoulders slightly sag in a defeat that threatens to overwhelm me. How can one person make you feel so utterly worthless? He has such a talent to darken my spirit that my light just wants to burn out with his constant judgment of me.

Males their all alike he's no different from them, no different from my could I ever begin to love him when he's a constant reminder of what I have grown to hate all my life?

Slowly I clasp my hands in front of me, trying to hide my trembling lips, why can't things be easy for me? Why do I have to fight for everything, it's as if the Moon is trying to curse me with the trials she throwing at me. Somehow she thinks that I can possibly smooth out his knotted tangles when what's need is to cut that mess out and let it grow new.

Flicking my eyes away from him, I can no longer stomach his deep contempt for me I let them fall on the remaining two males that still haven't received the justice they deserve. Taking a few steps towards them, I'm stopped by Fin's firm grip on my arm. He pulls me slightly towards him, I can hear him inhale a deep breath and his fingers squeeze more firmly on the exposed flesh he's holding.

"You think that I condone this Victoria, that I allow our males to take what isn't theirs" His grip increases on me.

"They learn from example Alpha Fin, what example are you showing them?" My eyes look at his grip, the way his claws have come out letting my blood run down my arm, dripping from my finger tips to form a little puddle at my feet.

Instantly he releases his iron grip, wiping my blood on his pants, I think I will always bleed against him...the wolf in me paces, her agitation so great she almost takes over. I can tell she wants him to understand one thing, one thought that she want's to get across for him to understand. She has no middle, no filter...She understands he knows exactly what we're thinking all the time. She want's him to understand how utterly unworthy his skin side is of her.

He might be physically stronger but she feels that he is still beneath her.

His head slightly hangs lower, is it shame that's coming from him? I can't tell as he masks his face once more from my intrusive stare.

A point made she retreats her thoughts away from him with an upward flick of her tail.

Taking another step towards the two males, Fin once again halts me with a light touch this time to my shoulder.

"I think you've done enough today, it's my turn now to teach a lesson." Bright eyes turn towards the males, I have a feeling they might prefer my justice than his.

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