I Revel In His Suffering Finian POV

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This is Fin's POV for the chapter in Grey's Tribute I revel in his suffering. A few things to remember at this point Meela is just going into her heat. Riling up the hormones of both Greyson and Finian. Even though Fin isn't Meela's true mate he still will experience it on a smaller extent than what Grey's feeling. He's drawn to her more, her scent is more, her body is so pleasing to his eye. The next chapter will be the real start to Fin's Claim, The beginning...It's where Fin marks Victoria and how Fin's structure starts to change as he starts to see Victoria as something different.

Finian's POV

Heels clicking along the sidewalk, hand in hand with Grey he leads Meela away from me. I don't let them get too far ahead. A compulsion deeply rooted into my being has me opening the door to his truck as soon as he goes to the driver side door.

Opening her door, her dress has inched up to mid thigh revealing black nylons that could be easily torn with just a flick of a sharpened claw.

Letting my fingers graze off her hips as I unbuckle her seat belt. Leaning into Meela, smelling her scent, "scoot over, I need to go back with you guys." Trying to smile through the lie.

Taste buds along the side of my tongue can taste her scent sending mine into a frenzy. Sliding up next to her, creating more space with my body. Spreading my legs so thighs touch thighs, she looks at me but I can't look at her in the moment. She's making me flustered and I don't get flustered.

She tries to shimmy away from my thigh but meets my brothers instead, she jumps when their bodies touch. A slight intake of breath, her eyes even close slightly with the contact. Seeing this in the reflection in the window. Scratching my chin contemplating how I should approach my brother. Once her smell hits my nose again both Grey and I roll down the windows. It's windy in the cab of the truck, her hair tickling my face as it's blowing wildly before she tries to restrain it in her hands.

Tucking a stray piece of hair around her ear, I can't help feeling the flesh of her unmarked neck. It goosebumps her flesh. Grey places a hand on her upper thigh, a quiver of skin from his touch.

The only light on the road is from the headlights, low music playing in the background. I can hear her breathing softly out, her heart speeding up.

This is how he must have felt with Victoria, this is how it was between them.


"Was it like this with Victoria?" No secrets need to be kept between the three of us, let's have this out in the open.

"Yes." Low sadness in Grey's voice.

"We've been through this Fin. I told you I was drawn to her, I..I felt her. This is hard for me. I was drawn and couldn't stop. I had no idea." The scenery on the edge of the road that light touches blurs by.

If this is how I feel then this is how Victoria must have felt towards Grey.

A compulsions whisper.

"I feel it." My truth coming out. Meela giving off uncomfortable vibes.

"I can smell her, I can almost taste her. She could've been mine. If I would've found her first, I would've claimed her." My voice a soft statement of truth.

Grey's eyes flash to me. "She's not yours, Fin, you know that." Turning from my brother I can feel Meela eyes gently on my skin.

"Would you be with her if I took her virtue?"

"Yes." He says instantly without any hesitation.

"I would have her no matter what. I want her no matter what. She's mine." Meela actually tears up slightly looking at his eyes. Her body slightly angling more his way.

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