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The grey ceiling of clouds is snailing across the sky silently weeping their feeling out. No thunder to be heard just the soft drops of rain against the glass in a particular pattern which reminds me of fingers on a table, tap, tap, tap.

"You're awake." Morning glory blues staring down at me, holding me still. Lifting my hand to her face, my thumb rubbing the length of her cheekbone before she softly pulls herself away. The warmth from her body laying next to me retreats leaving me feeling colder, lonelier than I have ever felt before.

I miss her warmth.

Looking around the room, the picture of us has been taken down once again. I notice a new picture of Charlie and Victoria up on the wall both showing teeth to the camera except Charlie only has gums showing, and it makes me chuckle sadly to myself because I should be in that frame with them. Instead, I'm looking at them on the outside when I should be inside with my family.

I've paid too much attention to the one thing that was taken from me long ago that I thought was mine to take. It was always Victoria's choice to give away her virtue to whoever she thought was special enough to receive her gift. I chose to focus on that singular act instead of focusing on the wonderful female I have been given by the Moon herself.

Feeling my neck because it's constricting tight against my own thoughts, making sure nothing is strangling me. The wound Grey gave me is deep, feeling the scar every member of the pack will understand that I have done something that deserved my brother's wrath.

Rumors will fly getting greater and greater as time passes on what it could be that had him at my throat.

"Do you feel better?" Victoria is eyeing me up with no expression on her face. It's as if she's looking through me instead of at me. That I'm just taking up space in her life, no substance in me.

"I feel better." The sound coming out of my mouth is dry and cracked.

"Good, now get up and get out of my bed and close the door on your way out." She's standing now motionless waiting for me to leave. She has a solid grace on how she can close her heart so easily while mine breaks, shattering against her hardening clay.

A sense of shakiness flutters my muscles while I sit up on the bed's edge.

A hint of tension as the time ticks by with my refusal to move.

"Victoria can we just talk about things?" Pleading for her ears to listen to me just for a few minutes.

"Talk about things? What things Fin do you want to talk about? The pack, Charlie, or how you just broke your brother's, heart? Is that what you want to talk about?" Slapping words felt across my face. The stinging feeling is lingering.

I just can't say anything back that would make things better between us, so I keep quiet.

"Nothing to say?" Maliciousness in the flexion of words she speaks out.

"What do you want me to say, Victoria? What do you want me to say to you?"

"You're the one who wanted to talk Fin; I'm just giving you suggestions on the topics to talk about because anything else is useless words to me."

"I thought we could talk about us, you and me."

"Us? What us Fin? There is no us, that doesn't exist anymore. Remeber? You broke us up. So now there is only you and me nothing else exists. The only connection we have is Charlie, and for her, I will tolerate you." Her fur is rising, agitation with the way she's starting to pace the room.

"Get out!" Two words pronounce slow, so I don't get the meaning of tone confused. She has no love left for me.

"I won't give up on us Victoria somehow I will try to make this better."

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