Proper Introduction

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Finian POV

Curvature of lips in an upward tilt has blue eyes looking at someone she loves.


She's sunk into the chair cushion, staring at him with a smile that's only for him. She's gifting him with something special. Her smile isn't awkward because she's not trying to copy someone else, she's just being who she is. Even teeth are showing.

Holding the stem of the wine glass, tipping it to her lips she takes a large drink, eyes half closed, the beam on her face doesn't leave.

She's slowly starting to drown herself in a sea of empty red wine bottles.

Memories of an old film reel light up my mind.

Victoria sitting in between Charlie and Meela, pointing an almost empty glass of red towards the ceiling, teeth stained with how much she can consume. Meela pouring herself another glass while Charlie eyes the bottle that's almost empty.

They're filling their bellies to destroy their minds.




Meela looks different in this picture, she's not the female I see in front of me now. I can see a glimmer of greed when Charlie takes the bottle away after Meela has a full glass that she's now not sipping on but hungrily gulping down. A low growl in her throat when Charlie takes the last of it. Charlie lifts a raised lip at her, exposing a flash of teeth.

Whiskey always makes wolves teeth come out eventually.

"No fighting, I have more." Victoria standing on swaying legs, bumping into a table almost knocking it over. Laughing to herself, she didn't think she was that drunk.


Making it back to her two comforts, she hands them a fresh, new bottle of dark amber, while she pours herself another drink emptying the bottle. "Now you can be friends again." Kissing both their cheeks.

Meela raising her full glass in the air. "To friends." Charlie no longer sneering, raising his glass up, hand swaying as they all clink glasses together getting drops of red and amber on their clothing soiling the material.

I don't like this sight. Disturbing sadness radiating out of all their eyes. As if hope has left them. Only Victoria's eyes are still slightly focused while the other two ride the sea of oblivion.

Moving that picture out of my mind, Victoria has a glaze to her eyes. She also looks like she's going to ride that wave tonight its numbness she's seeking. No longer wanting sharp eyes, she wants to live in the haze.

I've made her want that blurriness.

"Victoria, you're smiling what's the occasion?" She holds the smile on her lips taking another long sip of the deep red while eyeing Grey, smiling softly to Thomas. It's hard to look away from a smiling Victoria as Thomas stands.

Thomas holding my eyes for just a fraction of a second, this is important. "We're-" pulling Sophie up, so she's standing at his side.

"Expecting." Thomas all puffed up, pride showing through, Sophie's excitement can't be hidden. Walking towards them picking both up like little pups, twirling them in the air, kissing both their cheeks.


"This is good news, very good news." Now, this is something to cheers to, this is what you should be raising shots too. Pouring three shots of whiskey, handing each out to my brothers.

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