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Finian's POV

Watching from the sidelines smiling pretending everything is fine has been what my life has become.

Sidelined to the wolves that mean the most to me.

The small chime on my phone always stretches my lips upwards because it's Charlie time.

Walking into the room where they are, I'm the intrusion that displaces their sound, mouths shutting closed that were just open in easy banter. Everything halts mid-sentence before mouths shut tight except for Charlie she's just babbling away her tune until she see's me. Arms reaching forward, "dada." Scooping her out of her mother's arms, I let Victoria paw her goodbye before I walk away.

"Where are you taking her?" Victoria is eying my backpack.

"Outside, it's still nice out, thought we could enjoy the last warm days before it turns cold. You could come with us if you want? I packed extra food just in case you might want to come on our picnic." I already know the answer but I always want her to feel that she is welcome anytime I have Charlie. She looks at Charlie, then back to me.

"No." It's not as harsh as all the other No's I get, a small understanding nod of my head, "I understand, maybe next time, Victoria."

"Make sure to put a jacket on her, did you pack diapers? What about-"

"I did Victoria; I have everything she needs. We're just going outside on the lawn underneath the trees; she likes to look up at the leaves moving in the wind and talk to me." The only conversation I have going these days thinking to myself.

"Understandable, don't you think?"  The lashing tongue of my demon is my constant heckler.

Meela's eyes look at me sadly, quickly before looking at Grey's who's eyes are watching her's. Seeing where her line of sight goes to, the way I would with Victoria. I try to make no eye connect with her ever on the rare instances I do it results in Grey trying to go for my throat accusing me of still wanting his mate.

It's a must to keep the most respectable distance from her as possible. Walking into a room only to walk right out if she's alone inside it. Making it a point never to acknowledge anything she tries to say to me, it's best just to ignore her because when I do reply to her, my mouth is met with his fist, his rage telling me not to talk to his mate again.

Victoria eyes these exchanges not saying a word, taking Charlie away when Grey becomes too hostile to settle down.

Grey and Meela's conversation resumes as soon as I'm out of the room, Victoria's laughter trailing me outside, tickling the back of my neck.

Setting the blanket out for Charlie to crawl around on, there's still enough shade from the trees that now are starting to wean its leaves from their branches to not have our eyes squinting in the afternoon sun's rays.

The squeals of pups playing behind the house is a welcome distraction. Everyone is out today because these days won't last for long, soon the winter winds will start from the far north giving us our storms that will have everyone sealed up inside. The season of death is fast approaching bringing the frigid cold and dark days.

Nature's life cycle.

The wooden pirate ship I helped build is sunken into the ground it's the highlight of the fun. The pups are pretending they are on the high seas

in search of adventure. The seats of the swing set are occupied by pups kicking their legs climbing high and higher in the sky before some of the most adventurous jumps off landing in a crouch as if ready to spring up again ready to fight.

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