Implementing New Ideas

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Victoria's POV

The wolf only knows hate, she loses herself in the passion of rage....she is a product of her environment...her clay has been molded hard and sun baked. Her life has only known terror and now she terrorizes....Never has she felt the delicate touch of a skin's hand on her fur....

Her early years of education was one of tooth and claw, she had to adapt..too be a better fighter, to think quicker, act faster, all a product of her upbringing....any form of aggression needs to be dealt with immediately..that was Fin's mistake in shifting in front of us with intent to dominate...

Instead of being the social wolf that Nature intended, she had a self-imposed solitude that did things to her in wicked ways...

The wolves regard each other..circling, never once taking their eyes off the other.

My wolf has never been broken by skin...she has lost one battle in her reign, but her stand now will decide the war.

One heavy paw takes a step forward...posturing her intent. Teeth showing, snarling her aggression out. His wolf takes a deliberate step forward, neck fur raised....hackles up making him look bigger. He's bone, muscle, and sinew, fighting form at its finest.

Her snarl is magnificently terrible as she takes a stiff legged stance. Tail raised. Fin's wolf crouches slightly taking a defensive stance. My wolf runs towards him, swerving at the last moment to try and roll him on his side with her shoulder...he's too sure footed to be rolled.

His movements and demeanor are with a purpose, he tries to overtake my wolf physically but can't get underneath her enough to roll her on her side. She takes this opportunity to sink her teeth in his flank, taking out a chunk of flesh, the blood running freely down his leg..he paid no mind to it...

The dance continues, shoulders dodging teeth, bodies colliding up on hind legs..fangs snapping against fur...My wolf sustained damage, ear ripped, shoulder bleeding, back fur missing yet she continued on in blind fury.

The wolves are stumbling, falling over each other, trying to seek the upper hand. Distance is covered in mere minutes...The audience looks on...running to try and keep up with the wolves speed.

Bodies both bloody and battered...neither one giving an inch.

Fin's head was able to get under my wolfs belly, rolling her to her side...swiftness of teeth is felt as he clamps onto the wolfs throat...she held herself rigid in his gripe...her chest heaving with the exhaustion she feels. His teeth sink in deep and unforgiving...getting up on all four legs, he hangs on..growling low, vibrating into our body...she once again submits to this he rubs himself against her coat...trying to rid the scent of another male off her fertile body.....In a way this excites my wolf, her body quivers slightly underneath his dominance...she lets him rub against her...a soft whine coming from her mouth.

His scent is heavy with male wolf gulps it down..sending her own pheromones out of her pores. His wolf smells our rump taking in that sweet, strong scent of fertility.

His stance changes to rubbing up against our bloodied body...licking our wounds until no more blood oozed out. Hormones are influencing her behavior as she allows him to put his leg over her shoulder, sliding down her body....her hind legs rising, rocking slightly back and forth with her body...

The last minute see's him jump off of her and skin replaces fur....He's bare, bleeding, kneeling at her feet.

She crouches, knowing the hand of skin always hurts...but he has nothing in those hands, no whips, no collars, he has no boots on...he has nothing but himself as he postures to my wolf....a submissive stance he takes...hands on thighs..head bowed to her...neck exposed in submission...

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