We're Not Cowards

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Author's note.

In the world, they live in...hierarchy is the rule....one boss...submission is a normal thing in their eyes...not in ours but theirs.....it's not a big deal for them to get aggressive with one another...The wolf pack is lead by dominance, a hierarchy that expects to be followed.

Victoria's POV

The malignant snarling coming from his wolf has mine like a newly shifted juvenile, lying flat down, the dirt clinging to the underside of her belly, it's a great humiliation the way she's being handled. This is the way she handles the wolves who don't listen or know their place.

He doesn't let up, continuing to clamp on her throat, growling deeply out of his. Shaking his head on occasion to have ours snapping back and forth. His method is incredibly effective to bring her to heel. His iron-like jaw will not release. A body of muscle and sinew pressing against my wolf with no means of escape...

Her throat, rigidly spasming with the first ever uttered whimper of submission, at first I didn't really understand what was happening until the whimpers became progressively louder until all you could hear was her wolf cry ringing out throughout the day....

Letting go of her throat, his wolf stands over the top of us, letting his nose touch, smell the bloody neck. He growls again and clamps down hard shaking his head and twisting ours. He proceeded to walk a few feet away sitting on his haunches not looking away.

Creeping slowly to him, groveling with every inch she gains, ears flat against her head, tail still curled around herself, her pace slowing down, trembling and whimpering she nudges her nose into his flank. Cringing involuntary with an expected bite that never comes...

Going belly up exposing her throat, she surrenders this once to his Nature...

Dipping his head he gives her a sniff, growling low in his throat without the exposure of teeth still has my wolf quaking. He sniffs her neck, licking the wound. She rubs her cheek against his, as he continues to clean off all the blood and dirt. Nudging her with his head, she stands on shaking legs, low to the ground making herself look smaller...a slight whine comes out of her mouth, tail close to her body. She does not make a move to run. Instead, he sniffs her, the length of her. From tail tip to nose tip, he inspects her. While she shakes and cowers, flinching ever so often with an expected bite she thinks will come her way.

He rubs along the wolf's side pressing his scent into her, holding herself low to the ground, she takes his advancements, with her tail still tucked in and ears flat to her head, not a tooth showing, shoulders hunched.

His wolf bites her neck again growling harshly before straddling her rubbing himself into her. Her throat tightens with a growl trying to make its way out, but it can't...his Nature is just too overpowering. He's telling her he can have her anytime he wants, anytime he desires to...nothing is off limits for him....

He continues to rub himself against her back just above her tail. The weight of him pushing her down into the ground once again.

He doesn't take what's his right. Instead, he growls low in her ear from deep within his chest, warning her to stay where she's at. Getting off, he sits slightly away, watching her with the eyes the color of steel. She moves to get up, but a flash of teeth, has her cowering down again.

The rest of the morning is spent like this, every time my wolf makes a move, his lip curls upwards in a show of fang, soft growls start to bounce from his chest to hit hers. She bends to his will, keeping herself on the ground, head on paws, even her tail is still. The leader of the pack making his obedience crystal clear in her eyes...never try to run from this wolf....

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