Cord Of Life

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Finian's POV

Walking into the clinic the distorted melody of machines and beeps has become the faint song of the living.

Looking at the wolf beside me whose face is streaked in mud, hands covered in dirt. This has been my distorted fantasy for a long time; it's not that same once reality kicks in. That's why they call it fantasy nothing is real about it.

"Meela you need to wash up before you can feed her. Wash your hands and face. Dust yourself off and meet me in Grey's room." Giving her the direction she needs. Looking down at the pup in my arms who's got big eyes that follow Meela's movements with little grunts of anticipation from her mouth.

Going to the bathroom, she leaves the door open while she washes her hands, wipes her face, fixes her hair. She has a moment staring at herself eye to eye in the mirror, taking a breath.

Yellow eyes hold a vacancy to them; her spirit seems as if it's just loitering inside her.

The loss is profound.

The closer Meela gets to her the more her body starts to wiggle, arms moving, legs starting to kick.

She knows Meela's face.

A shallow smile looks down at the little Queen who is just watching Meela's face imprinting this important female who provides for her. Meela touches her cheek as her head turns to the finger that is stroking her flesh. She tries to latch onto it without success.

Grey lays motionless in his healing bed oblivious to what's going on in the world of the living.

"I'll be back to get her from you Meela." She nods her head while taking in her smell. A nose nudges the tip of her cheek.

"Meela one more thing Lana said that Victoria has to do the after midnight feeding from now on. She needs to build her supply up so she can feed her when she wakes up."

"I understand." Turning her back to me, heavy, slow footfalls make their way to Grey's bed where she takes a seat at the foot of it. Her hand is holding the infant while the another hand is resting on his good leg. She's looking at his face with a blank expression.

Thomas is stomping into the clinic, "Fin!" His voice too loud for the quiet this place invokes.

"I have some news. Some of the North wolves are starting to fight among themselves. One male has already been killed. Also, Borson is at the border of our territory. He's making his presence known walking the line with his son beside him. He's testing the security sending some of his wolves inside our territory." Vision is flashing the color of red rage.

That wolf who thinks he's some Northern god, he's not interested in the territory just interested in the conquering of me.

Stretching my back out, legs still too weak to meet his challenge head on one day I will but today is not the day for me.


"Have Becca with all the female warriors we have go to the Northern Territory. Give them the arsenal of silver for them to use."

"All of the silver?" Thomas looking confused slightly.

"Let them see what we have and how even our females understand how to use it. That it won't be easy for them to come into our land and take what is ours. They will lose more than half with the first wave of wolves. Also, have all the silver trained on his son if he attacks he needs to understand that his son stands no chance at surviving. He will be taken out first. Borson will realize this very fast. I don't think he's willing to sacrifice his first born for the feud between us."

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