A Need For Teeth

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Victoria's POV

The unapologetic face hits me hard, jaw set, chin raised, eyes the color of autumn gold. Disturbingly there's a danger to Meela that I don't think she even realizes....My wolf stares back at her, accessing this wolf......taking in the sweetness of life, fresh apple blossoms on a tree in spring saturates the room in budding life.

"You don't scare me Victoria." Her face gives nothing away....her body does, it's simple defiance, always letting her emotions overpower her intelligence.

"I don't scare you?" My turn to have eyes that glitter with the wolf pacing in my head....So wrong was my wolf about this uncompromising female. Her love for family is strong, she would die for her family.

My wolf is intoxicated by the fact Meela won't dilute herself down for any of us, she is the hard tasting concentration of courage that all wolves strive to have. She might have a place at our table.....instead of on Grey's lap.

"Meela you're not listening, open your ears and listen. I won't repeat myself." Fin's harsh voice breaks the wolfs focus on her pack mate.

Grey's hand is rubbing her back, letting his fingers play with the ends of her hair...trying to settle rising fur down.

Looking at them together I try not to smile at this, the way he's trying to sooth this pregnant female from doing something rash. Grey's curled lip flashes teeth at his brother in warning.

I might have been the battle between the two brothers but Meela.....she is their war because Grey will not back down to Fin...he will not concede defeat, turn tail and run like he did with me....he will stand tall and fight giving his throat in order to protect Meela, she just can't see this.

She has no understanding of how deep Grey will fight for her. Fin...does he understands this?

Meela is their line in the sand if crossed they will never come back from...Fin focuses understanding eyes on me...listening in on my thoughts.

It's just the four of us at Fin's table, I'm on his right, Grey takes his left.....Getting up Fin approaches Meela slowly taking the seat beside her....Watching as he inhales her pregnant smell, Grey meets his eyes....wolf to wolf...Meela puts her hands on both of their hands, thumbs drawing circles on their skin, soothing their beasts down...my beast watches her thumb glide across his knuckles, every inch of skin she touches, my beast huffs in justification of her dislike for him....Fin's eyes meet my beast and he pulls away from her touch, clenching his fist tight.

His temptation

"Meela" Fin's voice is tight in restraint...."this is going to happen, not today but it will...your brother has a place with us, but he can't lead for much longer...others are already at his door encroaching in on his territory, they will not spare him or his warriors...the females will be spared but at what cost..."

"Meela listen to us, we won't hurt your brother, he will not meet death, we're giving him the choice of life." Even I don't recognize my pacifying voice that this female draws out of me.

Grey's lips brush against her ear, "listen to the offer."

"Offer?" She spits the words out..."You make it sound so easy."

"He will be one of my Beta's, continue to live on the Southern land, not one member of his pack dies, not one...they will have free reign over all our land and they can search for their mates. Your brother will find his mate in our land.....he also will get to see you." Fin talks to her like someone he's doing business with all the information laid out on the his table...

"Or we will sit back and listen to their death cries as the pack gets slaughtered...he cannot hold it...that's a fact Meela.....we're extending our hand to him." Fins words penetrate her exterior, "it's about choices, I have no doubts he will make the right one. If he doesn't, we won't save the pack...we'll step back and watch it all burn."

Fin's ClaimHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin