Always Wanting More

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Victoria's POV

Fin's opening up gates for me to walk through, showing that there different paths that can be taken....I just have to choose what trail is right for me. He's my teacher of those hard lessons that I'm starting to learn from. You can lead with teeth and claw but also through love and respect.

He's creating a longing in me for what I have been missing, for what I could have with this pack...with him.... It's unsettling to feel this want more, ache for more than just land, for more than power...I'm starting to ache for him, and I think that scares me the most.

After eating, Fin takes my hand in his leading me away from the group, only able to handle large groups for so long before I start to get agitated with the feel of all their bodies trying to press in on mine.

There are several young ones playing outside; Fin rubs their heads ruffling their hair. I have a compulsion to do the same, so I reach out to touch one of the young ones but they back away from me with fear in their eyes. My eyes drop to the ground even the children know, can sense I'm not right...they have always shied away from me.... keeping a safe distance...some ingrained fear that whispers to them to keep away.

Making our way back to the bedroom sitting on the bed, my mood taking on an aspect of self-pity.

"What's wrong Victoria?"

Pointing towards my chest "I was born wrong Fin, I was born different, and I just can't help myself sometimes...I wish I were like every other female..." Hanging my head, never have I admitted this to anyone else, but myself.

"It would be so much easier if I was like them instead of this thing inside me always pushing me, always wanting me to take what I can." Turning away from him, "I just want to be normal to feel normal for once." Whispering words out.

"I don't think you were born wrong." His voice so strong, full of belief in what he's saying.

My wolf in agreement with this statement, stretches lazily inside me, taking a very tiny glance at this male before turning away.

"You're so right Victoria, born so very right." His eyes light my fire.

Those lyrics he just uttered will be forever playing over and over in my mind, never will I forget what he has just said to me.

Looking away embarrassed, feeling uncomfortable with the praise he just gave me.

"Let's go for a run together; my wolf wants to have some time with his mate." Now my wolf perks up, giving a little yip to herself. Laughing slightly at the feel of her antics....she's acting like a newly shifted juvenile.

"What's funny?"

"My wolf...she's excited by this." He just stares at me holding himself still. "I want you to smile more Victoria. You look beautiful doing it." Did my heart just flutter in my chest, how can this male effect me so much?

"I was thinking of taking a small trip to the Southern border just to check on things down there." He 's gauging my reaction.

"It's a little look see, we look at them, and they get to see us...Want to go say high to the neighbors?" Mischief is in those darkened grey eyes.

"He's been pissing in the bushes close to the border lines; I just want them to see us Victoria....see us together. I want them to get that picture in their heads. Let all his warriors and him know what kind of wall they're up against!" The wolf stretches lazily...."I want him to take the choice I'm going to give him, I want him to appreciate what he's looking at."

"My father always hated when you did that." I'm smiling at the memory of my father stomping around the house, throwing things uttering threats of what he would do to him but not once did he follow through on those threats...weak..

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