Things Just Happen

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Finian's POV

Morning glory blue eyes falling over my flesh, the current of electrical impulses shivers into my whole being. A tremor of pleasure almost has a welcoming sigh escaping from my mouth. Her inspection of me starts with my eyes, falling to my neck, holding on my scars for a few seconds, trailing over my shoulders, descending to my chest, down my hips. Until what I am holding in my hand grabs her attention.

All her focus is on her.

She tries to speak, no words coming out. A hand reaching out to me clumsy before it flops back down heavy on her barren abdomen that no longer can hold a future again inside it.

The closer I get to her the more accelerated her heart beat starts to race inside her chest. Again she tries to reach out with hands that won't do what her brain commands them to do.

Leaning down I kiss her lips which bring's her heart smile out; that draws mine wider with how perfect this minute is.

"Victoria, we've missed you." Breathing out with the truth of the words.

Her eyes are sharpening strong with sight as she regards our daughter covered up tight in a nest of warmth.

"Here." Giving Victoria a drink of water because she's having a hard time speaking the dryness destroying the sound she wants to make.

Raising her head, her eyes close with the first upward motion of movement in a month. Pressing the bottle against her lips, she takes the first sip greedily trying to pull more in that what she can swallow has some spilling out, dripping down her chin.

"I want to see her." Her first demand that I am more than willingly to follow.

Unwrapping the sleeping female completely only the diaper remains on. Holding the still sleeping baby to Victoria's face so she can have her first smell of her daughter.

This is all of Victoria's dreams coming true...a family of her own that she can love and be loved in.

She inhales long and slow at the little one's neck. Eyes are closing in a mother's pleasure. The wolf's teeth flashing outward with a nibble of flesh a lick of tongue tasting her scent, imprinting her offspring into her very being.

Her nose is trying to nudge her awake.

"Wake up." She whispers to the female who should be up soon with the next feeding stays sleeping not recognizing the voice. Taking the covers off Victoria, unbuttoning her gown I place her on Victoria, skin against skin. Covering the both of them back up.

Sitting at the side of the bed, my thigh touching her's. "How do you feel? Are you in pain?" Not able to stop my fingers from reaching for her jawline, up the side of her face, removing any stray hairs away from those eyes that I will never get enough of.

"I'm fine. What happened Fin?" She doesn't give into her pain or suffering. Her mind, so accustoms to waking up from horrific injuries she just thinks this is normal, no freaking out, no hysteria. Just a simple question is asked by her.

Guiltiness consumes me looking at her holding our future against her with her trusting eyes on me looking for answers that will shatter our family.

It's this guilt that has been seeping inside my marrow as if it's termites feasting on wood. Guilt eroding away at my very center, leaving me with holes and spaces that will never be filled in again by what I have done.

First is to tell her what happened; then the next step is to tell her what happened between Meela and I. It's better to get everything out in the open.

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