Calloused Heart

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Victoria's POV

Vulnerability is my vicious intruder, if not kept securely in check, it might threaten to overtake me, leaving myself exposed and defenseless.

To protect myself I've built up a calloused heart, some of the layers can be rubbed away, but there is always another layer, a harder layer behind it.

Grey's right I have lost my spine to Fin, that male has made me weaker than I ever thought possible. His entire presence just corrodes my resolve, eating up all my layers exposing myself to him.

I know the minute he enters the training facility, his distinct smell giving him away, taking a long breath in through my nose. Exhaling I debate whether to just stop and leave, the wolf snarls at me urging me to continue on. She loves the feel of me running, always she's trying to push me forward.

I keep my head down, pulling the brim of my hat further down on my head, so it hides my face slightly. Turning up my music it's all I can hear. I try to tune out his presence. It's easier that way out of sight out of my mind. Except his smell is so powerful that my body has a hard time not to react to his tornado, that swirls and twirls around my body.

A shiver flows through me, I actually can feel his eyes on my skin, goosebumps ascend on my flesh, I just run harder, head down only focused on my breathing.

Unzipping my hoodie I take it off, the cold air hitting my bare skin bringing my temperature down.

That feeling of him looking at me again has my heart pounding even harder, thank the moon he can't tell it's him that makes my heart flutter out of control with just the thought of him looking at me. My wolf is pacing in my head as she pushes me forward, harder, faster.

Chancing a quick peek to my wolfs dismay I seek him out. To my surprise, I witness the juvenile males and females gathered around Fin and some of his males. I almost lose my footing as I'm so focused on what's happening.

Turning down the music, I listen to him explaining how he want's to see how far in their training they are.

"Who's the strongest here?" Fin questions out to the juvenile. They all puff themselves out raising their hands both female and male wanting to make a good impression to their new Alpha. My heart clenches slightly with this thought...their Alpha.

Nodding his head towards his group of males some young juveniles approach, swaggering with their thought of themselves as the strongest. I small inwardly to myself hoping that my juveniles tear the smugness away from them.

Stopping the treadmill, I grab a towel and wipe myself off, before venturing to the group. Fin directing my male to fight against his. They look to be an even match, the same height, and weight. Neither gets the better of each other and Fin has to step in when they both change into their fighting form, pinching both their ears until whines are only heard, and they are brought to heel in complete submission.

Fin points to one of my newly changed juvenile female, very young but very quick, she glances nervously at me, and I give her a reassuring smile before she takes her place on the mats. His male crosses his arms in front of him refusing to fight her.

"Alpha Fin, I don't think this is right, I'm going to hurt her."

Not looking at Fin I keep the brim of my hat down hiding my eyes. "You won't hurt her pup" I growl it out hardly able to keep the disgust out of my voice. He stands his ground, arms crossed defiantly in front of him.

Smiling to my young female, with just a subtle nod for her to be what I want her to be. She launches herself at the young male catching him in the jaw hard. With one more quick punch to his throat, he goes down hard. Straining to take in one breath, holding his throat, his face is blue with the effort of just remaining conscious.

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