Who Am I

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I've made this chapter appropriate for all ages if you want a more mature read please see the private chapter book.

Finian POV

Eyes of blue ice regard every high ranking member of the table, all open-mouthed but not saying anything.

No wisp of words drifts out.


Heads are slowly falling, looking at their plates, trying to make themselves invisible. No eye contact.


Victoria has a silver knife balanced perfectly by the handle.

She shows no teeth. Instead, she shows how well she can kill without them. This will spread like a wildfire tearing through the packs into other packs. I could just imagine what the story will be in a few months.

Reverting to what she knows, kill or be killed.

"What have you done?" Trying so hard to suppress my bubbling up nature, impossible she's drawing my primal characteristic out.

She is not the Alpha.

Rising slowly from my spot focusing on her stance, her eyes are blazing, challenging me and who I am.

"I told you Fin, I don't like healers, I told you what they do to me; they are all the same. It was in my right." The tip of the silver blade points straight at my throat. Her other hand is going for her second knife that's still sheathed in leather; it's for the just in case I miss scenario. Her feet turn my way; I have her full attention now.

She seems as if she's being backed into a corner with only one way out except no one is making her take a step back.

"I felt threatened by her. She posed a risk for our pup. I did what needed to be done." Her shoulders have never been straighter; she's committing herself to what needs to be done to protect what's inside her no matter the consequence.




Advancing on her slowly, making my steps light. Not putting too much weight on either foot. She tracks my movement as if she's the wolf and I am her father. Her eyes not leaving my body, a sway to one side, a sway to the other side has the knife following my throats movement.

"Grey won't be happy about his. I basically took his healer without his permission and now I have to tell him that you killed her." Moving slightly closer to her, she needs to be disarmed, no telling who else she might kill.

"Call him Fin; I'll explain the situation. He'll understand." Her confident voice has no understanding of what I know. He is not that juvenile she fell in love with; he's a male Alpha who will need to show the teeth of the North in retaliation.

"If he doesn't." Screaming towards her because she has no understanding of what could happen.

"What will he do Fin? Try to fight his Alpha." A disgusted sneer spreads over her face, looking me up and down as if I don't meet her expectations of what a male should be.

She regards me at this moment as weaker than her.

Hackles are rising along the fur ridge of my back, the wolf inside me has plans to teach our female about weakness. A snarl of his makes its displeasure heard.

Pushing buttons that should not be pushed by someone in her delicate position.

With great effort, swallowing down the displeasure of her stare, her words, her body language I try to approach a different way.

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