chapter 6

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Hindu's pov
I went to the kitchen and found a Lady working I greeted her and offered to help her. She agreed and she told me her name is Zainab and she's a house help in the house. "You seem intelligent did you go to school" I asked "yes I stopped school after secondary school because my parents didn't have the money to pay then I was married of to an old man because of his money. One day In the night I wasn't sleepy I decided to take a walk then I saw him and some people dressed In red and a dead body on the floor. I was married to a cultists. I decided to turn and run away quietly but unfortunately he saw me and started to chaise me saying he will kill me .

I was running on the road and then a truck came and hit the old man I didn't wait to see if he is alive or not. I decided to look for job to help my self and this nice woman offered me a job"

"Wow you've been through a lot am so sorry" I said "thank you" she answered

we finished cooking and cleaning and we served the food and then i went to hajiya and Alhaji greeted them then I told her I will go back to my aunties house. She bid me farewell and told me to visit again I thanked them. Then she asked Ameer to drive me to the house I rejected but she insisted so we went. While in the car there was a comfortable silence until he put on the radio on his car run up was playing by Nicky minaj and party next door. God I love this song he was miming the song and it sounds so good I just kept shaking my head "you like the song " he asked yeah a little I answered

"what is the name of the town he asked "wuse two" I answered " so hindu can I have your number" he asked " I don't have a phone right now I left it in the house before that incident". " OK then let me give you my number you can call me anytime you need anything he said I carried a paper and pen and he told me the number and I wrote it

After some time we reached aunty rabi's house and he turned to leave but I invited him inside to greet her. He came inside and they exchanged pleasantries he was offered food and zobo but he did take after some time he left. I told aunty rabi about what happened and she told me not to go back to our house again. We prepared food and we gisted for some time. She asked me about the phone she gave me and I told her I left it there and she gave me a new phone she was keeping for me as a birthday gift it was an itel I was so happy.

In the night I saved Ameer's number and called him "Asalamu alikum its hindu" I said immediately he picked
" ohh nabila how are you and aunty rabi". He asked "We are fine I got a new phone so I decide to call you and thank you once again I owe you one and aunty rabi also sends her regards "I said don't mention am very happy to help. I hope you've eaten" he asked I was confused but I still answered" yes thanks for asking"
"OK good night bye" he said bye I answered then hanged up and slept off.

Thank you 💖
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