Chapter 2

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I was ready at eight in the morning because last night I couldn't get any sleep after my dream, so I went out from the window for a run and came back when it was morning. I went downstairs, Becky was preparing breakfast when I entered the kitchen, she greeted me cheerfully "good morning Enna", I smiled back at her and replied "morning".

Five minutes later Liam also entered the kitchen all ready and both of us greeted him. Becky said "I'm really excited for our first day at the university, what about you guys". Me and my brother shared a really bored look and I replied "at least somebody is excited". "If you'd have done this college shit as many times as we have, you'd be in the same boat" Liam groaned. "For a change I agree with him Becks" I added. I and Liam both got smacked on our heads, "don't be so unenthusiastic you guys" she said, while we both just groaned.

At quarter to nine we all left the house in my brother's Mercedes. We can all afford different cars and that too the best ones, but since we are trying not to grab too much attention, we chose one. I told Liam we should get some cool sports car but he didn't want people to think that we are rich brats from some other world. To which I told him "and which poor kid did you see coming in a Mercedes Li". The house we moved to is also not a really grand and luxurious one but it's still really nice and is really huge for three people.

By the time we strolled inside the campus, it was almost the time for our first lecture, so I bid my goodbye to both of them because they enrolled for Astronomy while I enrolled for English literature. Before leaving Liam said "take care and try to enjoy a little, we'll meet at the lunch break", "and try not to kill people Enna" Becky added. I laughed at her and waved as they both went their way and I went mine.

I took my time to find the class because I was in no hurry. By the time I was there the room was already filled with a lot of student. I walked to the very end of the class and sat there on a vacant seat next to a girl. As I sat, she looked up at me and smiled, I smiled back but didn't try to make any sort of communication with her or anybody else. All the other people were interacting with each other, some seemed to be friends already, some were introducing themselves.

Just as everybody was settling down, a female teacher walked in. She greeted all of us "good morning class, I'm Mrs. James your teacher for the subject of Culture and Literature". She looked like in her mid-40's, seemed really cheerful unlike me. As she started talking about the subject, I tuned her out and started using my phone.

I like literature and I love to read and there was a time when I wanted to pursue my career as an author but at this point of my life, I don't give a shit about anything. After a very long fifty minutes the teacher finally realized that her lecture was over and we need to leave for other classes. She finally let us all go.

After attending two more long lecture like that it was lunch time. I left looking for the cafeteria as Liam told to meet there. When I finally found it, I saw both of them waiting for me near the doors. I said hi and we went in to eat something, looking around I saw how it was full of students and suggested "let's grab lunch and move outside because the weather is nice and it's less crowded".

Both of them nodded, we all stood in line to grab ourselves something to eat, I don't know what they ordered, I straight away went for pizza because I am a sucker for it. I believe pizza is one of the best things human race has come up with.

As we settled outside, Becky asked "how was your day so far Sienna"? I groaned "really very boring". Liam smirked "well who asked you to choose the most boring stream of the world". "Shut up Li, I love English literature, I just don't like some of these unnecessary subjects" I told him.

Becky smacked his hand "she's right Liam she chose what she likes", she looked at me and continued "anyways don't be disheartened I'm sure you'll develop interest very soon". Liam whined "why do you hit me so much lady". I smirked "thank you Becky" while my brother just huffed at us both.

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