Chapter 34

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Every second that was passing felt like an hour, it was getting harder to control myself. Jay pulled me closer to himself and I buried my face in the crook of his neck. Liam asked again "so Daniel, I'm sure you must have an explanation, we would be glad if you could share".

My senses were so heightened right now, I could hear every movement he was making. He shifted in the chair and cleared his throat. "Would you give me a fair chance to explain my whole story" he asked. My brother gestured him to speak.

He cleared his throat again and began with his story, "everything began when you guys moved out of Italy and started living away from your palace. I also moved out from Blanes when I turned eighteen. It was early 1960′s and you guys were in Dominica and coincidentally I was there too".

"That was the first time I saw the royal lycans and only then I found out about your reasons for not living in Italy. There were a lot of rumours, many stories about you guys but I was too deep in my sorrow to care about that".

"Then one day, the news of Heracles' men coming after you spread around. We were in such a small country, literally every lycan living there was talking about it. That incident lit the fire of revenge in me. I realized that if I stay close to you guys maybe I'll have chance to reach to him".

"I tried my best to stay close to you guys and find out every little piece of detail about you people. After some time, you decided to move out of Dominica to the nearby islands and then you went to Brazil. I followed you guys everywhere hoping I would somehow find my way to him".

"In Brazil, I finally got an opportunity. I found the guys he sent after you before you did. First I thought that I'll fight them and ask them about his location but then I realized that they are much older and stronger than I'm and I'll never be able to defeat them alone".

"So, I came up with my plan. I approached them and told them my sob story, of course leaving out the part about the death of my parents. They were really hard to convince and at first they beat me so much that I thought I'd die".

"But I didn't give up and I finally convinced them that I just want to work for Heracles because I think he's the most powerful lycan on the planet and I want to be a part of his army. I told them about how you would always suspect his men coming after you but I can stay far enough for you guys to not know of my presence but close enough to send details about you to him".

"After a lot of efforts, I finally got a letter from Heracles. It said that he wants me to do exactly what I said I'll and in return I get to call myself a part of his army and eventually if I prove my loyalty to him, I'll get to meet him and be promoted".

"After that I followed you guys everywhere. When you started moving to countries with less or no lycans at all, I did back and forth from California so that you never suspect of my presence but then you moved here only".

"I was going to move away from here, at least to a different state but then I bumped into my beautiful mate one day. Before I could even manage to make my way into her life, she made herself best friends with the lycan princess. I kept low for some time because I couldn't understand what to do".

"I thought I'll never come close to her and keep doing my job like all these years. But you know how it is for us when it comes to our mates, first I thought I'll just look at her from a distance once in a while and that's it".

"But I couldn't stop myself from wanting her more every day. Finally, I made a decision to claim the love, the light of my life and to send wrong information to Heracles until I have something better figured out".

I listened to his story patiently for the sake of my mate and my sister in law. I looked at them, my chest was burning with rage and Daniel's blood is the only thing that will stop that fire and I am sure they would have figured out by now what I am thinking.

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