Chapter 40

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He looked confused after hearing my words. I looked one more time at the still body of my mate, and shouted in agony "you shouldn't have done this Heracles" and punched with all my strength, straight on his chest. I heard his ribs cracking, "keep count Liam, I want to make sure every bone in his body breaks" I said without looking at my brother.

Heracles straightened up again and said, "I know you're upset now Amore, but trust me I'll make it alright, just let me mark you". "Keep talking, it's motivating me" I said and threw the hardest punch in the middle of his face and his nose started bleeding.

His eyes turned red with anger, "yes change into your lycan, I'll show you how strong you actually are" I hissed. "Stop this madness or I'll forcefully do what needs to be done" he growled angrily. I was about to throw one more punch at him but he blocked it and punched my stomach really hard.

I fell a few feet back and coughed out blood. He ran to me and said "I'm sorry Sienna, I really didn't want to hurt you". He bent down help me up and I kicked his stomach making him stumble. I got up and growled, "you'll be sorry Heracles, you'll be sorry for everything you've done".

I charged towards him and managed to punch his shoulder dislocating it in one hit, making him shout in pain. I jumped slightly and landed a punch on his forehead. He fell down with a loud thud and cried in pain. His cries made me feel good, so I grabbed his broken hand and kicked it several times breaking the bones in multiple place.

I was so lost in the moment, I couldn't even hear his cries now, I could just see his hand lying limp on the floor bent in a very funny manner. I sat down next to him and said "it'll be so slow Heracles, that you'll beg me to end you quickly" smiling sweetly at him.

He kicked me and threw me back, I quickly stood up and saw him struggling to stand up. I ran and kicked the back of his knee and he fell back down. He turned around and I kicked his thigh and I heard the sweet sound of his bone cracking again. His eyes met mine and I saw a hint of fear in them, making me laugh.

I looked at my brother, "hey Li, come look the great Heracles looks afraid". Liam's eyes widened and he shouted "turn around". Before I could, I was picked up in the air and thrown hard into the ground. I got up and saw a huge lycan, with a misshapen claw and a limping leg growling at me.

"Behind the back, is that how you've been winning all these years my dear son" I said. He growled loudly and charged at me. I tried to move out of the way but he slightly clawed my arm making it bleed. Liam shouted my name and ran towards me but I gestured him to stop, "I gave him another chance at life so I should get to make my mistake right" I said.

Heracles let out a cry of pain. This is the reason I don't want to turn. I want him to see it clear in my eyes that I hate him and I will not rest until he dies. I took a few steps towards him and gestured him to make a move. I could see the hurt in his bloodshot eyes and I loved it.

He didn't, instead he turned back into his human form, my eyes didn't leave his eyes for a moment. One of his man threw him some pants to wear. When he was clothed, he walked towards me, "Amore, I know you love me too much to end me then why are you doing this" he said. I could see pain and vulnerability in his eyes.

"I loved you too much and I had hoped I'd get you, my son back today. But you took away my heart, the reason behind my sanity. You took the life of a person who meant to me more than your pathetic self" I hissed. "I know it's not true, you love me more than everybody else, more than this human, so admit it and stop fighting me" he shouted.

I smiled at him, "I'll see if you think the same when I have your spine in my hands". I threw a kick to his stomach and he fell down. I didn't give him a chance to stand and kicked his other shoulder multiple times, breaking it as well and he lied there crying in pain. Few of his men came to attack me but my brother is enough for them and he made sure nobody distracts me.

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