Chapter 15

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Everybody was really happy here and all I have been hearing since morning is people's excitement for the whole one-week thanksgiving break. When I realized that most of the people will be going back to their parents' house for the week, all I could think of was how I won't be able to see him for such a long time.

It's not like we get to go back to Italy to our family for one week, we don't celebrate thanksgiving there anyway, so I did not know what we were going to do. In the lunch time even V was all about thanksgiving only. I mean come on it's not Christmas, I don't understand what's all this buzz is about.

"So, what are your plans for thanksgiving, will you go to your parents' house" Jay asked to me in a hushed tone because we have already been scolded twice by now for disturbing the class. "No, I'm Italian, we don't do thanksgiving" I mumbled. "Great" he smiled.

"Excuse me" I questioned him and looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Well you know, I actually wanted to ask you, would you like to come to New York with me, for thanksgiving" he said. My eyes widened and I shrieked "what". Thankfully the class was over and the teacher was out.

"I mean why, you know I mean how, I mean I don't know" I was trying to form a proper sentence but I could not come up with anything sensible. "It's supposed to be a family thing and I-I don't know; I mean" I was going on when he put his hand on my mouth to stop me.

He smiled "my mom asked me to invite you Amore, think about it and then tell me your decision". His hand was still on my mouth so I could not say anything and just nodded which I was glad for.

He removed his hand from my mouth and grabbed my hand to walk me to my car. We were both quiet the whole way, I was still thinking about what he said, I didn't know what to do. When we were there, he pulled me towards himself and kissed my head, "I really want you to come, see you later". I just nodded and we both went our way.

When we were home, I dragged both Liam and Becky to the living room and said, "Jay invited to me to his parents' house for thanks giving", I was panicking. Both of them said "really" at the same time, although their expressions were totally opposite. Becky looked so happy and Liam was shocked.

"Yes, I'm going to have a heart attack, what do I do guys, I mean we're close yes but I'm not his girlfriend or anything and have you seen any guy taking a girl who's just a friend to his parents' house, oh goddess what do I do" I was ranting.

Liam asked me to shut up and made me sit and Becky gave me some water to drink. Becky started "Enna stop panicking, it's a good thing, you should be happy instead". "Happy, what why" I looked at her like she was crazy.

She rolled her eyes "would you stop, he's your mate you should be happy that he's taking you to meet his family, Liam say something". We looked at him, he just shrugged, I turned back to Becky "you're forgetting the most important detail Becks, there's a reason why I shouldn't go, I should probably move away from this place so that he forgets me".

"Would you stop worrying about the past, there hasn't been any trouble yet, forget everything and go strengthen your bond with your mate" she scolded me. I looked at Liam, he said "I don't know Enna, at the end of the day what you decide matters". "Yes, tell me what do you want" Becky asked.

"I don't know, I want to go but I don't want to risk anybody finding about us" I answered. "I know it's hard for you Enna but I think you can't waste your whole life thinking about the what if's" Becky told me. I did not know what do, I told them I'll see them later and went to my room.

After having a quiet dinner, I took a blanket and went on the rooftop. The night sky always brings peace to me. All my thoughts were revolving around Jayson and what is building up between us. I was thinking about how when we say goodbye, he pulls me close and kisses my head I feel like he knows that I am his.

I don't know if it's the magic of the mate bond or it's something special that has no influence of my supernatural side. All I know is that I have never felt this happiness before in my whole life and without him my world will fall apart.

I was so lost I did not hear Liam coming to me. He lied down with head resting on my tummy. He was quietly watching the night sky too. "I know you don't want me to go to New York with Jay" I said.

"I don't want to keep you away from your mate sorellina" he said, I did not say anything. He continued after a while "just like you, I also think of the what ifs. Jayson's one of us now, sooner or later he'll be in our pack and if anything happened to you both I don't how I'd live with myself".

"Brother you can't spend your life worrying about me, you have your own life, you'll have to move back to Italy someday to take your position as the future king, you'll have your own family" I told him. "I promise you Enna, I won't take the throne until we're done with our past and we can live without worrying about all of it. I'll never leave you behind" he said.

Tears started falling from my eyes, "when will that day come Li", a slight sob left me. "Very soon sorellina, very soon" he assured me. "What should I do about the thanksgiving plan with Jay" I asked him.

"I know you're worried, so am I but Becky's right, you should go with him, I'll make sure you both are always guarded" he said and I thanked him for always being there for me. Becky also joined us, and she said "don't thank him, thank me". I laughed her and thanked her as well.

"By the way, what did you tell Jayson when he asked you to go with him" Becky asked. "I uttered some words which made no sense" I told her sheepishly. They both laughed at me and I pouted "what, I panicked". It was late so we went to our rooms and Becky told me to give a proper answer to Jayson.

When I saw the time, it was already midnight. I checked my phone and there was a missed call from Jayson about half an hour ago. I should not call back now; he must have slept. But he called first, what if he wanted to talk about something important, after a five minutes long battle with myself I called him. He answered the call on the third ring.

"Hey Amore" he said in a very deep voice making goose bumps erupt on my skin. "Hey, did I wake you up" I asked. "No, I couldn't sleep" he answered. We both were silent for a while, it was not awkward though, it was peaceful.

I could hear him breathe on the other end and it somehow calmed me down. After a while he asked "did you think about coming with me". "That's what you called to ask" I smiled. "No" he said quickly but then added "but did you think about it". I chuckled "yes, I did". "And" he questioned again.

"Eager are we" I smirked. "No need to be so cocky okay. I just thought, you know, umm we'll have to book flight ticket for you if you agreed". "So" he asked again. I laughed at his impatience, "yes" I said to not torture him anymore.

"Really" he asked, I could feel his smile in his voice. "Yes idiot" I told him smiling. "If I wasn't in my bed, I'd be dancing right now". I chuckled at his enthusiasm and he joined me, it sounded so heavenly and the tingles it made me feel, goddess I am going crazy.

We talked for a while; I did not want to hang up because his bed voice was better than any melody but then both of started yawning so we had to. We said our good nights, before hanging up he said "I'll make sure that you enjoy your time with me Amore" leaving a big goofy smile on my face.


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