Chapter 29

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Jayson's POV:

The sparks that erupt when my lips meet hers feels like my world lit up. No matter how many times I kiss her, it's still as exciting as the first time. I pulled back when we both were out of breath. Her eyes were a little puffy because of all the crying.

But there was a slight tint of red on her cheeks, which is always there when I kiss her and her lips were a little swollen. "How did I get so lucky to get a girl as beautiful as you" I whispered and the red of her cheeks became more evident.

She has a fierce personality, an attitude that will make you bow down in front of her but my compliments make her blush like a little girl. Her heart is as beautiful as she is from outside but she is so used to of seeing herself as a monster.

"You're not a monster Amore, you're a beautiful person. I know you did things in your past that you're not proud of but there is not one person who has never made any mistakes. What you never see about yourself is, all you were trying was to love and get loved back".

"I don't judge you for anything that has happened in your past and I want you to stop doing that too. And if someday we come across of what you are so afraid of, we'll fight it together" I said and kissed her forehead. She placed her head in the crook of my neck, her breath was tingling my skin.

I want to do so many things to her right now but it's not the time, there is one more thing I want from her. "Amore" I said softly, stroking her back, "Jay" she replied making me smile. "Are you sleepy" I asked, "not really" she answered. "I want to see the other part of you, I want to know all of you" I whispered.

She stilled; I know she is afraid that I will not like her other side. Honestly, I am too but I really want to know every inch of her. She adjusted herself so that she was looking right at me, I could see the panic in her eyes.

"What if you don't like it, what if you get scared of me again" she whispered, tears filling her eyes. I cupped her cheeks and she leaned into my touch, "I promise you nothing like that will happen, ever", I told her.

"I don't want to force you to do anything" I continued, "I just want you to let go of all these fears you have and this will only happen once I know everything about you".

"Okay" she agreed. She asked me to drive us to the jungle and brought me quite deep in. We were quiet the whole way. When we came in here flashback of what happened before came in my mind.

We finally stopped at a clearing and now I know why she said it's her favourite place. It's a beautiful clearing surrounded by the deep jungle with a very calm lake, I can literally hear both of our sounds of breathing.

She came to me and grabbed my hand "I'm a lycan Jay, I know in movies they show beautiful creatures at moments like this but remember there's a reason why we are known as monsters". I nodded.

"Just don't run away, if you don't like my other form I promise, you'll never have to see it again but don't run away" she said in a shaky voice. I pulled her close and kissed her, "I promise Amore, I won't".

She nodded and said "I'm going behind the trees; you'll know when to come" and I nodded back at her. She went behind some trees and it was really quiet for a few minutes. My heart was thumping against my chest.

I was really nervous because when I first learnt about lycans and everything, I was really scared and I wanted to keep distance from Amore but now I like her too much and I want to accept all of her forms.

After some time, I heard a whimper. I was a little unsure whether to go or not but I decided to check when I heard it again. I took slow steps towards the sound, my heart was racing with anticipation and nervousness.

When I saw her, I could not believe my eyes. A part of me still was not sure about the whole changing into animal deal but looking at what is in front of me I was shook. There was this massive creature in front of me, bigger than a bear.

There was this monstrous appeal to this creature, it's canines were out and looked sharper than the knife. Eyes read like those of the devil, like a fire was burning in them. Whole body covered with black fur. The claws were so huge, one hit and I would die on spot.

Yet I was attracted towards it, I should be screaming and running away from it but my feet had a mind of their own, moving towards it. My heart was guiding me towards this monster. I was like under a spell and for a moment I forgot this is my girl.

When I took a few more steps forward, she came on her all fours and took a few steps back, like afraid of me. Her head was low, like ashamed of something. My heart ached for her; she was proving that she won't hurt me.

"Amore" I whispered and she moved more backwards, "hey, I know you won't hurt me" and she stopped when I said it. "Baby", I said and trying to move closer to her. She whimpered again, and my heart was breaking seeing such a powerful being cowering to prove that it's harmless.

"Look at me Amore" I said in a stern tone. She raised her head slightly and her eyes met mine. The fire burning in her eyes was attracting me like a moth. I took a few steps and stood right in front of her. "You don't have to be ashamed of who you are" I said softly.

I raised my hand to touch her, I was a little nervous but when I touched her and the sparks erupted all the nervousness was gone. I was sure this was my Amore. Her scent was still the same intoxicating one, even stronger now. "I'm not scared of you baby" I said.

When I said it her eyes almost lit up and I could see the happiness in those red spectacular globes. She moved a little closer and sniffed me and nudged her head slightly on my shoulder. I laughed "you are like a cute but huge puppy".

She growled showing her canines making me laugh more, I have read that wolves hate being called dogs. "Okay, don't be mad I was joking" I said and she grunted. "How about a bear" I said with a serious look on my face. She growled and nudged me in my stomach making me laugh more.

"Can you take your real posture; I want to know how huge are you" I said. She looked a little unsure, I stroked her soft fur and said "hey, it's alright okay, I'm not running anywhere". She nodded and pushed me a little back.

I took a few steps back and she rose on her two hind limbs. There was this huge, like the trees, beast standing in front of me and all I could focus upon was the energy radiating from her. I wanted to bow down to her.

We were there for a while and she was a little more comfortable in her lycan form in front of me. When the sun started to rise, she changed back into her human form. I was sitting in front of the lake waiting for her to get dressed and come back.

She sat next to me quietly, I grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it and asked her "how do you feel baby". She smiled with a slight blush on her cheeks and replied, "lighter, so much lighter, like all the dead weight I've been carrying with me has been lifted off my shoulders".

We sat together quietly for some time, the calmness I feel with her is indescribable. There is not one moment of awkwardness, the electricity surrounding us is enough to convey our feeling to each other. When we were leaving, she stopped me asked, "Jay, do you have no second thoughts about a monster being your girlfriend"?

I smiled and pulledher close, "if monsters are this magnificent then I'm glad I met one"and kissed her soft lips. She smiled and I knew that finally all her doubts aregone.


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