Chapter 13

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I was spending my weekend ignoring my mate's calls and messages. I have like hundred text messages from him by now, I read them but I didn't respond. After what happened yesterday, I don't know how to talk to him. I told Becky everything and she thinks I should tell him the truth but I don't agree with her.

I was missing my parents so much. Back home, my father would take care of every little thing about me. My father always says that after my mother I'm the only woman he fell in love with, he only named me Sienna Amore.

Whenever I looked at him and mamma together, I always wished to have a beautiful relationship like theirs someday. It's been so long since we have talked, I knew papà would be busy at this time so I video called my mother, at least I'll be able to see her.

She answered the call on second time. "Ciao piccola mia" (hey my baby) she said in her melodious soft tone. My mother is really beautiful, just by looking at her you can tell she's a queen. "Come stai mamma" (how are you mom) I asked her.

"Sto bene, ma cosa c'è di sbagliato in te principessa" (I'm good but what's wrong with you princess) she asked. Tears filled my eyes, "Niente, mi mancano solo te e papà" (Nothing, I just miss you and dad). I didn't want to cry because it'll worry her and father.

"Ci manchi tanto tesoro, vogliamo davvero venire a conoscerti tre" (we miss you so much darling, we really want to come to meet you three) she said softly. I could see the pain on her face, she was heartbroken when she found out that we had to leave Italy.

"Where is papà and how is he?" I asked her. "È in riunione con tutti gli Alpha" (he's in a meeting with all the alphas) she answered. "C'è qualcosa che non mi stai raccontando di Sienna" (there's something you're not telling me Sienna) she said.

I smiled remembering how I could never hide anything from her and said "you always knew when I'd hide something from you, mamma". She laughed "tu sei la mia bambina Sienna, certo che lo so" (you're my child Sienna, of course I'd know), "Ora dimmi cosa ti preoccupa" (now tell me what's troubling you) she said softly.

"I found my mate, mamma" I whispered. She beamed and tears of joy fell from her eyes "questa è una buona notizia principessa" (that's such a good news princess). "He's a human" I said and a few tears escaped my eyes. "I'm really scared mamma, I wish you were here with me" I sobbed. "Oh, mio tesoro, non essere triste" (Oh my baby, don't be sad), "tutto andrà bene molto presto" (everything will be fine very soon) she said.

"Don't tell anything to papa yet, I don't want him to be worried" I told her and she nodded in understanding. "Wait for a second okay and don't hang up" I told her and ran downstairs to Li and Becky. We all talked to her, she was crying so much telling us how much she misses us, making us cry with her. Before she hung up, I told her "Dì a papà che mi manca e dagli il mio amore" (tell dad I miss him and give him my love). She said I love you to us and hung up.

At night I went out for a run, all the emotions were suffocating me. I went to the lake in the middle of the jungle and sat there going through all the texts Jayson has sent me. The last text I got from him was a few hours ago. It said- You can ignore my calls all you want Amore; how will you ignore me when we meet.

He was right, how will I manage to ignore him when we meet. Moon goddess why can't my life be normal like others. I spent the whole night thinking about him and re reading all his texts. When it was morning, I ran back home.

"I don't want to go today guys" I was whining. "Why" Liam asked. "I don't know, I think I've got fever" I said and they both laughed. "You know we don't get fever Enna" Becky said. "Yeah but other people don't know that, tell the teachers and V that I'm dying from fever or something" I groaned. "You've been sulking around whole weekend; we're not leaving you alone here" Liam said. I just sighed.

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