Chapter 42

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The sun was almost setting down when we went back to our room. "I love how so much has happened in past few days and I'm not at all tired" said Jay. I grinned at him "welcome to being a lycan love". "Let's go out Amore", "I know you're super strong now but you need to rest" I told him.

"No, what I need is you to take me out, show around every place you love here and I need to change once, it's too surreal for me right now" he said and grabbed my hand. "Okay, come on" I went towards the window. He looked at me confused, "we need to use door to go out". I laughed "No we don't" and jumped out the window.

He looked at me wide eyed from above and shouted "are you crazy". I rolled my eyes, "yes, now jump I'll show you everything you can do now". He looked unsure but I stood there grinning, "it's like four floors Amore" he complained. "More like six babe, come on now" I laughed.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath and he jumped. He was on his feet before he could open his eyes. When he did, he grinned "that was awesome, let's try that again". I laughed at his stupidity, "we've our whole life to jump out of the windows, come on we'll do better things".

He wanted to explore the castle first but I convinced him to do that later and took him out. I took him to everything that is around the castle to go and see, it is too late to take him to all the monuments.

Anybody who saw us bowed down to us. Jay didn't like all the attention but he'll get used to it. When we had seen everything around the castle, I took him to the jungle, he needs to have the freeing experience of running around as a lycan.

On the way, there was the cemetery of the nearby werewolf pack. I haven't visited here in a very long time so I asked Jay to accompany me there for a few moments. I guided both of us to a grave I used to visit very often. He didn't know me, neither did I but his grave knew me well, it was the beta, the first innocent that died of Heracles' hands.

I told this to Jay and he smiled lovingly at me. "I heard that he was a great man in every sense. His alpha valued him, his pack loved him dearly and he was a great father and mate". Jay didn't say anything he was just there, with me. We sat there for a while talking about him, after a while we heard someone coming towards us.

It was the beta's wife, she looked so much older now. I didn't know I'll find her here this time of the day. She stopped when she saw me, there wasn't any hate in her eyes for me, no anger just loneliness. She was just a shell of a person. She bowed down and greeted me "evening your highness" and she didn't know Jay so she just bowed down to him.

"How are your children Maria" I asked her because I could see how she was. She smiled with their thought, "they're happy, both of them have found their mates". I wanted her to know the news so I said "I know the pain you live through every day because of me can't be lessened by any words I say but I want you to know that your mate has been served justice".

She fell on her knees and laid her head on her mate's grave and cried, I sat next to her but didn't have it in me to give her any comfort, so my mate did. He pulled her to his chest and let her cry. "I know you blame my Amore for your pain and trust me she does it more than you, but it's not her fault" he said.

"She just gave love to someone and tried to teach him to do the same but some people only know to hate and no matter what you do they never change. I can't bring your love back but the one who took him away from you suffered a horrible death". She got up and wiped the tears off her face, "I tried to blame her but I don't anymore because I know the princess suffered a lot more than anybody realized".

She turned towards me and smiled, "you're lucky to find a mate like him princess, I wish you both a lifetime of happiness". I hugged her tight and apologized to her for the last time, "I'm sorry Maria, I wish I could go back in time and make better decisions". "I know and I forgive you, so you also forgive yourself" she said.

We said our goodbyes and I made sure she knew that if she or her children ever need anything, they can come straight to me and if I'm not here then my brother will be there for them.

We went to the deepest part of the jungle later, "I've a cottage here, nobody's allowed to come here other than the cleaning staff. It's beautiful I'm sure you'll love it" I told my mate. It's been ages since I've been here, before I used to spend a lot of time in here, it's beautiful and calm and I can see the sun rising and setting down and I can live in the moonlight.

When the cottage was in view, we raced our way there. I love how he was loving being a lycan.

Everything in here was still the same, very neat and clean. The moon was already in the sky, making the night even more beautiful. "Isn't it beautiful Jay", I asked him looking at the moon from the window. He wrapped his arms on my waist from behind and whispered in my ear, "most beautiful" making me blush.

He left a trail of feather light kisses on my neck making the hair at the back of my neck stand. When he reached the base of my neck, he scraped his teeth on my skin and said "this animalistic force within me wants to sink my teeth right in here Amore". I turned around to look at him, "it's your lycan wanting to mark and claim me".

"As much as I'm dying to that, there's something I need to tell you before" he said. "I was waiting for a special moment but so much has happened in such a short time that I don't want to waste one more minute. Before we mark each other and the mate bond magic happens, I want you to know that I love you Amore, I love you a lot and I feel this long before I turned into a lycan" he said.

Tears of happiness fell from my eyes, "I love you too Jayson Hunter, from the very first moment I saw you" I told him. He wiped the tears from my face and crashed his lips on mine and gave me the most fierce and passionate kiss. He picked me up and carried me to the bed, without breaking the battle of our tongues.

"I want to be patient but I can't do that Amore, please tell me you want me as much as I do" he asked me. He was looking at me so intensely, waiting for my consent and when I said "I don't want you to be patient anymore" I could see his eyes darken with the lust.

He tore my clothes off in a moment and held my hands above my head so I was totally at his mercy. "You're so beautiful" he whispered while his lips did all sorts of magic on my skin. He explored every inch of my body with his tongue, leaving me a moaning mess and wanting more.

With every second of his sweet torture I realized how incomplete I was without him and the way his body moved perfectly in sync with mine made up for all that time. My eyes met his red ones, holding so much love for me. I could see the urgent need in his eyes to mark me and make me his forever.

I couldn't be more ready; I had been waiting for this since I saw him so I tilted my head giving him space to claim my soul. He dipped his head low and sank his canines into my skin making me scream with pleasure. When he was done, he licked the mark clean making my body shudder. I turned us over and sank my teeth just below his collarbone.

The moment our marking was complete a wave of warmth and love from my mate flooded my body via the mating bond. It was so overwhelming that tears started flowing down my face. This is the most beautiful magic of mate bond, that we can feel what our other half is feeling and we can be there for each other always.

He patiently kissed all my tears away and told me "I'll love you so much Amore that you'll forget every moment you've spent without me; I'll love you till my last breath" and kissed me. I have never felt so happy and so complete in my life, he didn't even have to say anything because I can feel the love in him for me and he can feel mine.

We went out and phased into our lycans, we are meant to be scary beasts but my mate looks majestic. We ran in the moonlight, Jay exploring all the strengths he has after being a lycan and I could feel the rush of adrenaline and happiness from him, making me feel blessed. I'll thank the moon goddess forever, for sending him for me.

He is mesmerizing, his human part is so pure and kind and the beast in him feels so sinful, he is an amazing balance of both light and darkness and his presence will make sure that I never lose my balance.

When we were done, we went back to the cottage and spent rest of the night loving each other to every bit, living the passion we have towards each other.


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