Chapter 23

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It's been a week after my outrage at my brother and Becky. I am still ashamed of my behaviour with them but I still think they should not have done that. I apologized to them about the things I said and so did they.

Jayson has been here with me every day since then. He comes to my house before I wake up and leaves when I am asleep. I really think that he has been living in our house only.

He made it very clear that he is not going to leave me, he said and I quote "there's no point of wasting your energy pretending that you don't want me here Amore, I'm not going anywhere". My heart swelled with happiness when he said that.

But that does not mean that I have forgotten my reasons and I am not worried about everything anymore. I think about it every moment, but I know that me being rude won't push him away. I guess when I explain everything to him, he would be smart enough to make the right decision.

Till then I am living these happy moments of my life with my handsome mate. Currently we are sitting and having breakfast. And yes, he's sitting right next to me.

It's really hard to not leave the breakfast and eat his face instead. He smells so amazing I just want to bury my face in his neck. I am not creepy it's just hard to stop these thoughts when my whole house smells like him.

"Amore" he said softly to me. I cleared my throat "um..yeah", "Becky's asking something". I looked at her and the bitch was smirking because she knows why I am so lost. "Yes Becks" I asked. "Nothing I was just saying that your wounds are almost healed from the outside. Do you feel equally healthy from inside"?

I narrowed my eyes at her, she has asked this question already, more than once I must say and she did it purposely. "Yes Becks, I'm feeling really better. I told you that already, your memory's going really weak" I said and gave her the best fake smile.

She smirked "I just want to be sure Enna; you know how worried I'm for you". I just rolled my eyes at her. A small smile was playing on Jay's face. Goddess why does he look so perfect. Why am I so obsessed with him?

Our Christmas break is going on right now so thankfully we don't have any classes, or these three would have to miss a lot of because of me. They already did for like a week and it doesn't matter for us but it does for Jay. I don't want him to ruin his future because of me.

I finally called back V. She was so mad at me because I was not answering her calls and texts. Liam and Becky told her that I was homesick so I went to Italy to meet my parents. I could not meet her because I would have to explain my injuries.

When I called her, she would not say a word and I'd be the only one talking, more like begging her to forgive me. Or she would hang up the moment I start apologizing. But I somehow managed to get her back to liking me.

She has met this guy in that past week. She told me that they met before around thanksgiving break also, I guess. She is so obsessed with him already. Apparently, they have gone out for a few dates as well.

I want to meet him as soon as possible because I want to know how is this person she is dating. But I am happy for her because she is really happy. I told her I'd be back a day after Christmas so we can meet then.

I and Jay were currently in my room. He managed to get all the notes and assignments I have to do and I got rest everything from V. So currently I am catching up on all the work I have missed and he is doing his assignment.

Except I am not doing anything because his presence is very distracting. I am sitting and appreciating the work of goddess. A simple black tee and denims make him look like a Greek god.

"Staring at me won't finish your piled-up work Amore" he said with a smug look on his handsome face. I turned red immediately and looked at my work. I heard him chuckle which made me smile.

He knew I could not study anymore so after that we watched Netflix all day. On my laptop, both of us in my bed, sharing one blanket, so close that all I could breathe was him. I don't know what we watched, yes, I know I am pathetic.

We went to the terrace after dinner to watch the peaceful night sky because I was not sleepy and he did not want to go until I slept. So, we came up here. It is quite cold now since it's almost Christmas. But the cold never bothered me anyway, I sang to myself. I watched the movie today again so the song is stuck in head but it's true.

"Amore" Jayson called out my name softly. "Jayson" I said smiling but my eyes were still on the beautiful moon. "Don't you think I deserve an explanation from you regarding everything that has happened" he said.

My eyes slightly widened and my heart skipped a beat. As much as I dread this conversation, he deserves to know it and I think now is the perfect time. I turned towards him "you can ask anything you want to know".

He quickly went downstairs brought a blanket and a few pillows and laid them on the roof. He grabbed my hand and took me to the blanket and we sat facing each other. He did not let go of my hand.

"What's a lycan" he started with a simple question. I took in a deep breath "you must have seen movies and read books about werewolves" he nodded. "We're like them only but much more powerful and a superior species and we don't look as pretty as they do".

"Werewolves can only turn into their other form on full moons but we can turn whenever we want. Werewolves can be killed by silver or ripping their hearts out, we can't. To end us one needs to rip our spine out, which is not easy".

"Our aging process slows down after eighteen and we live for centuries. Please don't ask my age" I said trying to make the conversation a little funny. "You are not nineteen" he asked. I shook my head as a no and said "not even close".

He slowly nodded as if processing everything. "Who were the guys that attacked us that day" he asked. My heart beat fastened because I'll have to explain a lot of things to explain that. I thought of starting from a beginning but tried to skip as much as I could.

"We don't live in Italy because someone attacked me there. So, my father asked us to go somewhere else trying to keep me safe. Since then everywhere we go, that person keeps sending his men to get updates about me".

"Someone wants to kill you" Jay asked in a whisper. I smiled "I wish, he wants something much worse, something that's much more valuable than my life". His eyes were slightly widened now. "What does he want" he asked.

The questions were getting very difficult to answer but I want to get done with it. "Our moon goddess blesses us with a mate or a soul mate as they say it. There's one person made only for us. That person means more than anything to us. When we find them, we just want to claim them as ours and never let them go".

"If something happens to our mate, the pain's unbearable. It's like losing your soul. Some lycans die with the pain. Some who manage to live are just the shell of who they were. There's no second tries for us, we only get one chance at this".

"He wants to kill mine" I said. Even saying it out loud was killing me. There were so many emotions in his eyes. I didn't know what was going on in his mind. "We can discuss this some other day; I know it's too much to take in at once" I said to him.

He was quiet for a very long time. I did not say anything either because I wanted to give him time to process it all. Finally, after a long moment he asked "have you found your mate".

My heart was thumping against my chest. It is the moment, if he rejects me now it will be final. Tears were threatening to fall out of my eyes because I was really scared for the next question that will come.

"Yes" I whispered, I don't know if he even heard it or not. "Who's your mate Amore" he asked. There was uncertainty and anger in his eyes. Which scared me even more.

His eyes were staring so deep into mine, like he was looking directly at my soul. I could not hold his gaze anymore. I looked down at our connected hands, savouring the feeling for as long as it lasts.

I took in a deep breath and whispered "it's you Jayson. You're my mate".


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