Chapter 18

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"Amore, open the door! Sienna are you okay" I heard faint voice from outside. When I woke up, the loud thumping on the door felt like it was going on inside my head. I saw I was on the floor; my whole body was aching because of sleeping on the floor. "Amore can you hear me" I heard Jayson's voice. I tried to speak but my throat was so dry I could not say anything.

"I'm opening the door" he said and I heard the jingling of the keys, I tried to get up but I could not move. He opened the door and rushed in, "what happened, why are you on the floor" he asked worriedly. He helped me up and made me sit on the bed. I pointed towards the water bottle, he quickly opened it and gave me some.

When I felt I could speak, I answered in a croaked voice "I'm fine, I overslept I guess". "How did you end up on the floor, Liam has been calling you since last night, when you didn't answer even now then he finally called me to ask" he said.

I looked around the bed but could not find my phone, Jay also looked around and he found it on the floor near the foot of the bed. He gave it to me and I saw twenty missed calls from Liam. I groaned internally because I'll have to explain it to him why I did not answer.

Jay was looking at me expecting answers for what happened but I could not think of anything right now. My head was hurting too much. I told him "I'll take a shower and then meet you downstairs", he looked upset but he left silently. When he was gone, I went to the bathroom. I took a long hot water shower, to relax my muscles. My head was still hurting when I went downstairs.

Mrs. Hunter was sitting on the dining table, when she saw me, she got up and worriedly asked "are you okay honey" and started checking my forehead for fever. I smiled at her warmly, "I'm fine Mrs. Hunter just a slight headache, I'm sorry for worrying you". "Don't be silly, come on eat your breakfast and I'll give you something for headache" she said.

I did like she asked and I was feeling slightly better now that I had some food in my system. She left, leaving me alone on table with Jay. I did not know how to face him; I was avoiding his gaze. "Amore" he said softly, I pretended like I did not hear, he called out my name again, more loudly this time.

I looked up at him and faked a smile "yes Jay". "What happened last night" he asked, there were so many emotions in his eyes, he was worried and confused. I tried to keep up the charade "nothing happened, I was just tired and I overslept".

I knew he did not believe a word I said but before he could say anything, I excused myself saying I had to call my brother. I quickly went to my room, and took in deep breaths. I felt horrible staying there, I was fooling these very nice people.

I called Liam, he answered in a beat "Enna, where have you been, I was so worried, why didn't you answer my calls". My throat felt so heavy, I wanted to cry but I did not want to tell him so I said "I'm sorry, I overslept. I'm fine please don't worry". My voice cracked, "Enna, tell me the truth" he said.

I could not control my emotion and tears started flowing, I sobbed "I'll tell you when I get home Li". "Did anything happen, did Jayson say anything" he asked. "No, it's not that, my flight's in a few hours so I'll pack and I'll tell you everything when I'm there" I said. He did not push it any further and we hung up.

I stayed in the room, so that I don't have to face Jay. I packed everything I brought, I heard Mrs. Hunter calling me downstairs. I took in a deep breath and went. "Sienna, honey your flight has been cancelled, it's raining really bad" she told me.

My heart beat fastened, I cannot stay here, "when will it leave then" I asked her. She replied "early morning tomorrow, come on eat lunch you've been in your room for so long".

Jayson was not there, his mom told me that he already ate and went to his room. I was glad, it's really hard to face him and lie to him. I quickly ate and went to the backyard. I really like when it rains, the sound of thunder is weirdly calming to me. Before going I quickly texted Liam about the changes in flight plan.

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