Chapter 3

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The whole week passed liked the first day only, we would attend our classes, meet at the lunch break to eat and after the rest of the day go home together. It was like we all fell in a routine. It was not exciting, me and Liam were super bored while Becky was enjoying knowing about stars and stuff. I was spending all of my free time in the library; I made a list of all the books I wanted to read and re-read. Everybody was busy making friends and here was me the great Sienna, lost in my own world of fantasies.

I still didn't make any efforts to be friends with anybody, I went to classes and sat at the very end, although I sat with the same girl for the whole week as she was there in almost every class. She tried to talk to me a few times, her name was Violette. She took a lot of time to explain to me how it's not pronounced like the colour violet and it is a French name which is pronounced like VEE-OH-LETTE and how she is tired of explaining it to people so she let them call her whatever they want. I just gave answers to her questions and didn't make efforts from my side.

I thought that maybe this time we'll be staying for long because nothing interesting was happening and we were just living the boring life of college students. We were trying not to make ourselves centre of attraction. Although everywhere we'd go, people would stare at us like we are aliens or something. Hopefully they'll get bored of us and stop staring.

As the weekends came, Liam was adamant on making the weekend some fun unlike how the week passed. So, we decided to go out and check out the hangout places in California. We went to the malls, I and Becky shopped like crazy, we watched movies and tried bowling and other games like that in the mall.

On Sunday, we stayed at home watched Netflix all day and as the night came, we went out to free our lycans for some time. It feels really good when the cool breeze caresses our face when we run with all the strength we have, it feels refreshing. I was doing this every night but I didn't tell them.

I didn't sleep for the whole week because I didn't want to experience the nightmare again. But now it was tiring me, I knew I needed some sleep. Weekends passed and it was Monday again, I hated it and didn't want to go to college but even staying at home is no fun, so I decided to get ready and go down for breakfast.

When I entered the kitchen, Becky was cooking breakfast for us and Liam was helping her. I felt bad for her because I never help her with anything so I made a promise to myself to help her a little bit with all the work she does for us. I greeted "good morning peasants", they both replied. Becky questioned "you look so tired Enna; did you not sleep well last night"? I lied "no-no, I slept fine, it's just I hate going through this torture all over again", to which Liam added "that makes the two of us" and we both high-fived each other.

Becky laughed at us "you both behave like toddlers when they are forced to go to school". "Toddlers probably have more fun in their schools than we have" I said. "Enna you need to make friends, you need someone to talk to, to have fun with when we are not around you" Becky suggested. "Yeah right" I groaned.

"She's right Enna, we might stay here for some time now, so it'll be easy if you have some friends here to hang out with" Liam said. "Oh, come on guys, I'll try okay now stop bothering me" I groaned. We finished our breakfast silently after that and then left.

As soon as I stepped out of the car, my lycan became really restless, like it wants to break free and run around. I thought it was happening maybe because I didn't sleep for a whole week. My heart beat was really fastened. Liam and Becky noticed and asked "is anything wrong? do you want to go back home because you don't look so good"? "I'm fine don't worry, I'm heading to my class now, we'll meet at lunch okay"? I said. They both nodded and we said our goodbyes.

As I was heading towards my class, I was getting more anxious, I didn't know what was happening. But on the way I saw a guy was running and mistakenly bumped into Violette, which made all of her stuff fall down on the floor. Asshole didn't even bother to help her and just ran away.

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