Ch 4: Rooftop Hugs

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A/N: Ok I know only a few people have viewed this, but it still makes me really happy ahh~

Thank you!!

Fair warning: LOT'S OF BLUSHING O///O


The two made their way up the starcase to the rooftop in utter silence.

Akemi could feel the tension in the air. "This is awkward."

She didn't mean to say that out loud, but she did. Causing Saiki to raise his eyebrow slightly, but nevertheless, the psychic continued his ascent to the door.

The door had a sign that said, "STUDENTS NEED PERMISSION TO ACCESS THE ROOFTOP." This was a new rule that had been reinforced with a newly-installed deadbolt lock.

"How do you plan on going to the rooftop now? Bust down the door?" 


"You saw that thing with Teruhashi earlier, right? Don't damage school property! What is with you guys?"

Calm down, it was a joke.

"You don't seem like the joking type." 

Saiki looked away from the girl, hiding his blush (A/N: YES HE WAS BLUSHING!) from the curious transfer student. He wanted to try and lighten the "awkwardness" between them with some humor. It didn't work quite as he wanted it to.

Nevermind that. Let's go.

Akemi tried the door to see if it would open. Sure enough, it did. While he was looking away (hiding his embarrassment), he unlocked the deadbolt and doorhandle's lock.

The two entered the space with a breeze blowing through as soon as Saiki closed the door. He caught a glimpse of a sight that baffled him. Standing with her eyes closed a few meters ahead, Akemi's long, black hair was blowing freely in the wind. Her arms stretched outwards as if she were giving the breeze a welcoming embrace. She stood on her tippy toes, as if she needed to be elevated higher than she already was, and smiled.

Akemi sighed in relief, "It's been a while since I've felt this free." 

Saiki couldn't take his eyes off of her. Though for what reason, he didn't know. It was as though, for the first time ever, the colors became brighter and the scent of the clean air became stronger and-- for once-- he smiled. His genuine, soft smile surprised the often stoic psychic. He could feel his heart beat a little louder, pulsing through his ears.

He snapped himself out of it, forcing his smile to turn back into a frown. What's the matter with me? 

It was after hearing his thought that Akemi realized she was not alone on the roof and that there was actual business to attend to.

"Ah.. I'm sorry, Saiki. I spaced out." she lowered herself from her tippy toes and-- without really trying-- gracefully placed her arms back down to her sides. "Crap that was so rude of me..."

It's fine, Akiyama. Saiki smiled, knowing that she was definitely different from Teruhashi. (A/N: sorry I'm throwing shade~)

Akiyama stepped closer, in attempts to close the awkward distance between them."Oh, I forgot you can hear my thoughts."

Saiki obliged to help lessen the gap and stepped closer in return. And you can hear mine.

They continued to step closer, one after the other, until the space was not too close, but felt very intimate and oddly comfortable. She had to look slightly upwards at Saiki, whose features could be examined better up close. She noticed the antennaes that could have been hairpins-- she didn't want to think about that too much right now-- and suddenly got lost in his eyes. It was somewhat blocked by the green glasses, but she found herself staring into his deep, dark purple (much darker than her own) eyes. They had such an intensity that she tilted her head as her eyebrows knitted slightly tighter than usual-- concentrating on the windows to his soul.

Spin-Off of the Okinawa Class TripOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant