Chapter 22: Christmas Adventure, day 1

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A/N: sorry the last chapter was so short, but I just wanted to wrap up the 'nice to meet you' chapter series. And add a bit of holiday cheer :)


While Akemi and Mera were out buying snacks during one of their breaks, Saiki overheard a conversation Nendo and Kaido were having. It just so happened to be at his desk because the two would never leave him alone.

The conversation suddenly turned from the latest issue of Shonen Jump to the topic of dating.

Kaido was going on his first real date with Yumehara and needed advice, which Nendo was happy to give.

"You see, when a two people fall in love..." he began.

Kaido went beet red, "Please stop! Not that talk, I just, you know... Need some tips for when you're out on a date. Like do you hold a girl's hand when you meet up with her or do you wait until she says it's okay? Or what do I do when I have to fart? What to girls even like to talk about because I might end up being so boring and nerdy that she won't be interested in me anymore!"

Someone's nervous.

"Just show her what kind of man you are. Like, when you go places, open the door for her and give her flowers and stuff like how they do in the movies. And once you work hard enough, you'll get invited to a ball and have a lady with wings make you new clothes, just don't get caught by your step-family."

"Your references are not helpful, goofball." Sighing, he turned around, "Hey, Aren!"

Walking up from his desk with a canned coffee in hand, he scratched his head, "Hey guys, what's going on?"

"Little shrimpy here needs some looooove adviceeeeee," Nendo teased. "He's got a date with his lady-friend but has no experience. What a loser."

Kaido scoffed, "YOU'VE NEVER BEEN ON A DATE EITHER, NENDO." Noticing that a few of his classmates were staring blatantly at him (daggers from the people trying to sleep), he quieted down, "It's perfectly normal for guys our age not to have a ton of experience. And plus the Dark Reunion's evil plots have been keeping me busy. Yep, that's it..."

"Well, getting back on topic, I think it goes something along the lines of 1) do some sort of fun activity, 2) grab a bite to eat, 3) stroll around the city, 4) walk them home and then..." Aren blushed as he put his hands in his pockets, "You know, you kiss them goodnight."

Interrupting Kaido's starry-eyed gaze, Aren added, "Don't go thanking me yet. That's just what I think a date is. Truthfully, I've never been on a date with my... past... But it should be something like that."

Kaido sunk into despair. "So none of us have ever had a date?"

"Not even Hairo," Aren added. "He said he's not really into romance right not and would rather hang out with friends."

"But my pal Saiki has been on dates, right?" Nendo finally interjected after mocking Kaido with weird kissy faces. The two boys looked at Saiki with confusion in their eyes as Nendo clarified, "You know, with Akemi."


Wide eyes, pokes, kissy faces, and 'oohs' were made very closely to Saiki's face. It took a lot of restraint not to punch them all.

He could hear all the thoughts in their heads, but he didn't really care to answer their questions.

"We're not 'going out' or anything. Don't get the wrong idea."

Nendo raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Oh really? Then how do you explain all the time you spend together? Anywhere Akiyama goes, you go. Like karaoke last week. I asked you and you said no, but when you heard Akemi was coming along, you grabbed your bag and headed out the door." He shook his head in disbelief, "You're pretty clueless when it comes to romance aren't you, pal?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2020 ⏰

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