UPDATE (and rambling)

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Hi everyone! I'm sorry I haven't updated the story in so long! Long story short, there was someone hacking into my account so I took a writing break and then couldn't get back in for a long time (it was so frustrating). Even though there are new seasons and new characters in The Disastrous Life of Saiki K, I intend to finish this story as though the writers aren't pushing Teruhashi and Saiki  /  Aiura and Saiki together in a love triangle thing. Maaaaainly because I am in a state of denial that Saiki and my fictional character can't just live in peace.

Also, while re-reading my story to remember where the heck I left off, I realized that some of it is a bit forced. Sorry about that 😅 I think I originally wanted this to be a short story, so I moved the plot along faster (such as making Saiki blush an insane amount of times in the 'Rooftop Hugs' chapter). Hopefully the story will have a better flow (?) as I try to finish the Akemi-has-wacky-things-happening-to-her story arc that I started.

Now that I'm done rambling, on with the story! (that'll be published in like a day or so because I literally just logged on to my account a few minutes ago)

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