Ch 5: Poor Takahashi, pt. 1

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A/N: Hey whoever's reading! I hope this story is actually like good.... hehehe. (I still can't get over the fact that 30 people have read my story so far~~!! Thank you so much~) I'll be moving the plot along further to get more into the Okinawa Class Trip. So stay tuned for this poor Takahashi boi (sorry you needed to be used as a plot device...) Also, I'm trying to make the chapters longer for more enjoyment. Hope it pays off~

Let the trip begin!

Side Note: Teruhashi is jealous



Takahashi wasn't the only one to take a liking to Akemi. By Thursday, she had become good friends with (last name / first name) Saiki Kusuo, Nendo Riki, Chisato Mera, Kaido Shun, and Kuboyasu Aren. All people she became aquainted with because of her friendship with Saiki. Teruhashi tried to squirm her way between Akemi and Saiki's friendship, but all her attempts to make Saiki fall in love with her failed as usual. If anything, it made Saiki dislike her even more considering her rude thoughts towards Akemi.

"Who does she think she is? The whole class may be decieved by her charms, but I bet she just wants to rule over the boys in the school! She's just a snake trying to overthrow me and get control of Saiki just to get back at me. The nerve! She's no good." 

Again, that's my line, Teruhashi.

Because she was still sort of new to her powers, Akemi kept her grandmother's necklace safe in a hidden poket inside her school jacket in case the powers got too overwhelming for her. While Saiki had been used to these powers he had been "cursed" with for his entire life, he knew that Akemi was still new to all of this. He wanted her to take it easy and suggested that she keep it on her just in case the powers were too much.

Despite her new powers, Akemi had been doing well with adjusting and using her powers discreetly. After hearing Saiki's reasoning for remaining under the radar, she decided to do the same just to play it safe. She didn't want to be studied or probed. The thought of that terrifyed her.

"Hey, Akiyama-san~" Chisato Mera ran up behind Akemi, hugging her from behind. "My friend, you're probably the only person I'll share food with."

"Knowing you, I'd say that's a great compliment. Thanks, Chisato~" Akemi laughed. While being friends with Saiki and the guys was really fun, she also knew that having a friend that's a girl had good advantages. She didn't want to be labelled as someone like Teruhashi, after all. Only making guys worship her. "No, no. I don't want things like that. I'm glad the guys and my class are really nice to me. At the very least, they don't treat me like Teruhashi, so that means I'm just an average girl to them. Thank goodness." 

Trust me, you're anything but "average".

"What's that supposed to mean?" she glanced at Saiki with a confused, yet devious grin on her face.


"Your blush says otherwise."

I'm not blushing! It's just really hot today...

"Whatever you say, Saiki." 

He was telling the truth though. What she didn't know is that the entire class viewed her as anything but average. Throughout the week, she had really put herself out there. Making friends, conversing to the students and teachers, helping out anyone with their homework, explaining class lessons (thanks to Saiki's telepathic messages explaining the lessons to her), and even going out with the class for karaoke. She even managed to drag Saiki along to the event. Little did she know that he was somewhat happy to accompany her and make sure no sleezy guys like Toritsuka hit on her.

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