*Author's Note: Sorry!

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OKAY before i continue with the story I AM SO SORRY

The storms and stuff are gone and I promise I'm okay. It's just that senior year has just been SUPER DUPER stressful at my strict college-prep school (AP Bio is KILLER) and there have been a lot of family issues. Like A LOT.

*small life story times sorry I feel like I owe you (whoever's reading this) an explanation of my absence*

There's been a lot of sh*t happening in my family these last four years and especially this year: deaths (health, car accident, or suicide/murder related deaths), cancer (they survived so that's good), family fights/disputes, the stabbing of my dog-brother who sadly died a few days after Christmas 2018, cousin's house caught on fire due to exploding fridge and they are living with us now, high school stuff and college... So needless to say I've been busy with dealing with my own heavy sh*t (everyone's got problems, so don't pity me or anything).

Anyways... I had to re-read my own writings to remember how this story went and even went through the comments to see what people thought about it (sorry for those of you who don't like my story or think it is too inacurate I'm just writing whatever I envision). Guess I forgot my own story! Gomen~!

Thank you to all the people who commented and liked and shared this story. It makes me really happy that people read this. I don't know if anyone is still interested in this story since I have been gone for a loooong time, but I hope this brightens someone's day :)

Next part will be published soon!! (Either today or tomorrow)

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