Ch 18: Nice To Meet You, Part 1

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A/N: this story is rated #29 in the original character category and #3 in the Saiki category! woo hoo~!! thanks for everyone reading and starring your favorite chapters

Trivia question: does Kusuo ever say 'oh wow'? Comment your answer :)


A few days later, after the initial shock of the period-psychic (and after her period ended), Kusuo and Akemi began a new chapter in their story.


"Hi! My name is Akiyama Akemi," she said with a bow. "It's very nice to meet you."

Saiki's parents were beyond shocked. So shocked, in fact, that they slammed the door on their son and the girl he had been standing next to.

The two psychics shared a moment of anime sweat drops. She smiled nervously as her eyebrows deepened ever so slightly, timidly asking, "Um... Is this a bad time?"

Before Kusuo could say anything in response, well-- think of something to say, the two psychics were absorbed with the frantic thoughts of Mr. and Mrs. Saiki.

"This has to be some sort of prank! Kusuo brought a girl home??" 

"I'm so happy! Our precious little Ku finally has a girlfriend!" 

His father was utterly shocked, "Who knew he could actually have human emotions??" 

Kusuo's frown deepened. What's that supposed to mean? 

Opening the door was a smiling Kunio Saiki. With a nervous chuckle, he pretended as though he didn't just slam the door in their faces. "Hi, I'm Kusuo's dad, but please-- just call me Kunio."

Kusuo's mom continued to hold Kunio by the arm affectionately while she eagerly greeted Akemi. "It's so nice to meet you, Akiyama-san. I'm Kusuo's mom, Kurumi. We're so happy to have one of Kusuo's girl friends over," she gave a quick wink to her son.

Saiki immediately shrunk with embarrassment.

Entering the genkan (indoor entryway where people take their shoes off-- it's customary), they placed their shoes to the side and proceeded into the house.

"And that's not all, Ku-chan, look who came home for a surprise visit!" Kurumi smiled. "It's your big brother Kuusuke!"

Already waiting in the house, Kuusuke smiled and-- much to the pink-haired psychic's dismay-- hugged him affectionately. While their "rivalry" was ongoing, Kuusuke couldn't hide his affection for his powerful younger brother. "Long time no see, huh Kusuo?"

What are you doing here? Kusuo said coldly and indifferently.

"I was studying in Europe, helping those imbiciles learn what it really means to be a brilliant man of science, when I got a call from our parents saying they missed me. So I flew here in a heartbeat."

"He'll be staying with us for a week or so while he's on break," Kunio said with a smile.

Not hugging back, Kuusuke eventually let go and pouted at the lack of affection. (A/N: What is with this anime and brother complexes?!)

Akemi smiled, "Your folks really like these 'ku' names, don't they?" 

You have no idea, Saiki sighed, showing his exhaustion with their current situation.

"So what do we owe this pleasure to?" Kurumi asked as they all sat down at the dining table for some customary welcoming tea.

Akemi blushed nervously, "Well actually, Mrs. Saiki, we have something important to tell you that had to be done in person--"

Spin-Off of the Okinawa Class TripNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ