Ch 11: The sun is hot, isn't it?

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A/N: hairpin thing happens tonight instead of the first day don't worry y'alls. I'm all about that authenticity. Also, this is part one of the day (so ch 12 will be part 2)

I'll try to update faster~


Akemi woke up refreshed and ready for day two of their trip. She didn't remember how she had gotten back to her hotel room, but assumed it was just because she was so tired. Psychic powers really took it's toll on her-- especially after supporting a plane yesterday.

The pineapple plantation was their first stop that day. While Mera had eaten pineapples the night before, she was eagger to eat as many different samples as she could. With the money she had put aside for the trip, Mera bought souvenir pineapple sweets to give to her family. Toritsuka was being noticably... um, weird, to say the least. He kept thrusting his hips forwards saying, "prickly pineapple" (A/N: no joke this was in the episode ew toritsuka pls no).

Why does he have to turn everything into that

"Are all guys this perverted?"

The average teenage boy? Yes.

"Are you?" Akemi shuddered at the thought that the guy she liked (lol don't think about that, Akemi! He can read your thoughts!!) could potentially be... somewhat like Toritsuka.

Definitely not. I'm not even an average teenage boy so...

Sighing in relief, Akemi smiled. "You've got a point there." 

Their conversations, although they weren't directly talking or facing each other, were almost a habbit. Even the smallest thought could grow into a short agreement or a slightly longer discussion. Others could tell their minds were somehwere else, but didn't bother to ask. It's not like they could even begin to imagine the scenario anyways.

After their pineapple excursion, the class went to the famous Okinawan Aquarium. The kids were allowed to either stay in their groups or travel in pairs. The buddy-system was very effective.

As soon as their travel group gathered together outside the entrance, Mera began to drag Yumehara and Teruhashi into the building, declaring that they were going to be a group. Before leaving Akemi's side, however, Mera winked at the other guys.

"Okay, Mera's definitely planning something, isn't she?" 

I guess so. She hasn't been thinking of anything though. Well, besides food.

The two grew even more suspicious when Nendo and Kaido decided to be a group and wished them a farewell. The boys really gave it away though.

"Buddy, I really wanted to be a pair with you, but..."

"Shut up, Nendo! Mera told us not to--" Kaido sheepishly caught himself in the act. "Crap, I almost let it slip! Mera's plan to set up Saiki and Akemi is going all according to plan! I will stop Dark Reunion from interfering with thier love..." (and he trailed off into his hoard of Dark Reunion fantasies)

Oh, so that's what they are doing... they thought simultaneously.

The two were too embarrassed to talk about it-- seeing as they both wanted to be alone together anyways-- and just decided to go into the aquarium in silence. After the initial awkwardness, the atmosphere changed to a more comfortable, easy silence and the two started to relax. It was the kind of relationship that didn't need to be confined by words and conversation. Just being there together was enough at the moment and just strolling by was their way of progress.

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