Ch 19: Nice To Meet You, Part 2

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A/N: Hi :)

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted, but I'm gonna try and finish this fanfic and then write a novel I've been wanting to work on. I know this isn't a super popular fanfiction, but oh well I'm writing it to fulfill my otaku dream of living in an anime 🙈

On with the story~!


As they walked away from the Saiki household, Akemi linked arms with the pink-haired psychic as they casually walked to their next destination. An innocent, childlike glee eminated from the girl psychic, "Your family was so warm and welcoming!"

Well mom definitely is, but the other two are more annoying than 'warm and welcoming'.

Suddenly, a lump formed in her chest, "Oh wait, I totally lost it and levitated everything! Ugh I can't believe I did that... So much for a good first impression..."

Are you kidding? They loved you.

"Are you sure? What if--"

Come on Akemi, they practically adopted you into the family. Hell, they were ready to pull out a wedding ring and propose for me.

Akemi's eyes widened as a blush crept onto her cheeks.

His knit his eyebrows in a moment of instant regret. Just-- just forget I said that.

The psychic turned his head away from the girl next to him as he chastised himself in his head. I know it's true, but I didn't have to say it and make things awkward. Seriously...

Sensing the awkward silence, Akemi changed topics, "So my family is just me, my parents, and our dog Haru. I think you met her during 'the incident' [dun dun duuuuuun!]"

He smirked ever-so slightly. Sound effects? That's pretty upbeat for someone who's about to tell their parents the big news.


Kusuo pointed to the gate they had stopped by to see the family name " A K I Y A M A " on the front gate.

Akemi's heart sank to the floor as her eyes widened and her heart beat quickened. "Oh no, I haven't prepared myself mentally."

Don't worry. That's what the practice round was for. 

She had to remind herself not to say her rant out loud, in case someone overheard them. "But your family is different! They know about your powers since you've had them forever! But my parents won't be as easy to talk to... What if they think it's a prank? Or what if I levitate everything again and freak them out? What happens if they think I'm crazy and send me to a mental asylum? Or worse, they believe me and then send me away to some secret science lab to be studied??? I DON'T WANT TO BE PROBED KU!"

Her breathing was quick and shallow as she began to tear up a bit. "I'm scared... What if they think their own daughter... is a monster?"

Sensing her oncoming panic attack, he held her in a warm embrace.

Deep breaths, Akemi. It'll be okay.

"But what if it's not?" She sobbed into his shoulder. "What will I do then?"

If things don't go well, we will find a way to fix it. I promise. He pulled away to look into her eyes and wipe the tears away from her beautiful lavender eyes. Remember: you did it once, so you can do it again.

She sighed into the contact and took a minute to calm down.

You ready?

After hiding her hair under her school jacket, she opened the gate and nodded as she shakily took Kusuo's hand.

The two psychics walked hand-in-hand to the front door ready to face the challenge ahead of them.

*Akemi unlocks door*

"Mom? Dad? Tadaima~! (I'm home)"

A woman's sing-song voice calls from the kitchen, "Oh, hi Akemi! Okaeri~! (Welcome home)"

With the loud crashes of pots and pans comes a loud shriek. So striking that both Kusuo and Akemi jump a little.

"Mom? Are you okay in there?" she asks concerned.

"Oh my goodness... Yes, I'm fine dear." A beautiful, slightly plump middle-aged woman smiled at her daughter warmly. She still had makeup on from work as well as a frilly white blouse tucked into a black pencil skirt. Her matching blazer was cast aside on a chair in the other room.

Seeing her mom still in her professional attire, Akemi sighed, "Mom, you should go change out of your nice work clothes if you're going to do housework. Plus, I told you, I can take care of these sort of things..."

"I know... It's just that you're always so helpful. I thought I would try to re-organize the kitchen cabinets before you and your father got home. But then I saw a cockroach. I was so startled I dropped everything!"

At the mention of the word 'cockroach', Saiki froze up. Before he could teleport to another place, literally anywhere away from the filthy insect, Akemi grabbed him by the wrist and pleaded with her eyes to stay. And as much as he hated bugs, he couldn't leave Akemi to face this alone. He promised to be there for her no matter what. And this cockroach wasn't going to stop him from keeping a promise.

She whispered in order to keep Saiki a surprise until both of her parents arrived home. "I'll get rid of the cockroach, but please stay until I tell my parents? You're the only one that can help me get through this."

Her lavender eyes stared into his darker, violet eyes. Her expression was too earnest for him to ignore. He couldn't leave her now, not even because of a cockroach. She needed his help.

Walking into the kitchen, her mom still jumpy from the roach, Akemi trapped it in her hands and threw it out the window. Knowing both her mom and Kusuo were freaking out, she washed her hands thoroughly. Twice.

"Now that that's taken care of..." Akemi dried her hands with a worried look on her face, "Mom, there's something important I--"

Hearing the sound of the door open, she stops mid-sentence. 

"Honey, I'm home! Is Akemi back from--"

Standing in the doorway, the two men stared at each other for a few seconds in awkward silence. 

A tall, well-built middle-aged man loomed over the teenage psychic. He wore a black suit and a white button-up with a dark blue tie. His hair was slicked back and his beard and mustache were styled to look professional.

What seemed like a moment of awkwardness that went on forever, it was only a few seconds before Akemi speed-walked to the front entrance with wide eyes.

The man's eyes furrowed.

Akemi held her breath. "Oh no..."


Part 3 will be posted sometime this week hehe

Hope you enjoyed it whoever is reading this :)

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